
Hey guys-it has been a while. I have some updates for all of you, regarding my book(s). 
          	1. I left my designated fan fiction idea/chapter book at my house- and I probably won't be able to get it until early October. I p l a n on updating my Turles story around this time, or sometime that month. 
          	2. For the Genji story- I honestly thank every one of you who have commented, read, voted, and even messaged me about it. It really was a ride-wasn't it? I'm not sure how I feel about it yet, but some of you (a lot of you ngl) have inspired me. Even though a lot of it is literal hot trash, a lot of you love(d) it, and i really appreciate that. Tiny me from 3-4 years ago is crying. You guys mean a lot to me: so much that I might plan to continue it in the future. Who knows?
          	3. YA GIRL IS IN COLLEGE NOW! And its er- hard. Very. Ive been balancing between tons of school work, epic gamer time, and some clubs here and there. 
          	4. I don't really believe that I deserve over 100 followers, or any at all. I don't have writing talent- so why even bother ya know? Thank you. for everything. I mean it. 
          	-From, your entirely grateful 'author'


Hey guys-it has been a while. I have some updates for all of you, regarding my book(s). 
          1. I left my designated fan fiction idea/chapter book at my house- and I probably won't be able to get it until early October. I p l a n on updating my Turles story around this time, or sometime that month. 
          2. For the Genji story- I honestly thank every one of you who have commented, read, voted, and even messaged me about it. It really was a ride-wasn't it? I'm not sure how I feel about it yet, but some of you (a lot of you ngl) have inspired me. Even though a lot of it is literal hot trash, a lot of you love(d) it, and i really appreciate that. Tiny me from 3-4 years ago is crying. You guys mean a lot to me: so much that I might plan to continue it in the future. Who knows?
          3. YA GIRL IS IN COLLEGE NOW! And its er- hard. Very. Ive been balancing between tons of school work, epic gamer time, and some clubs here and there. 
          4. I don't really believe that I deserve over 100 followers, or any at all. I don't have writing talent- so why even bother ya know? Thank you. for everything. I mean it. 
          -From, your entirely grateful 'author'


Sorry about not updating my Turles x reader story in the past month. I’ve just been really busy this past month. Im about to graduate HS, gotta take AP exams, final projects, moving off to college, etc. it’s been a really stressful month. I’ll update once I officially graduate and my life gets settled out! I’m ready for the summer!! (Also that’s my name aha) 


I’ve decided to work on a new book that’s another X reader. Except this time, it’s anime related. It’s about a saiyajin (Saiyan) named Turles (which IS a canon character from dragon ball, he’s from the tree of might). He’s a very unpopular character, but I try to make the most of it. 
          For those of you who don’t even watch dragonball, it would be appreciated if you could just see if my writing has improved in making this story at all.
          I love all of you, stay safe out there, alright? 


this message may be offensive
To anyone who gives a shit to read this lmao, sorry i haven’t been updating my stories recently. I got a job at BurgerKing, and i work just about everyday from 4-10. School lets out at 3:08, so i basically have no time to myself. When i do, i try my best to relax. Today in particular, i slid on a rug and slammed my hand into a China Cup. I got blood everywhere, and have a giant chunk of flesh missing from my hand. I had to get 4 stitches, and currently have to keep my hand wrapped. I just wanted to keep you guys updated. Also, sorry. For the past two years (yes this story has been around for two years), i’ve been trying to improve my stories. Mentally, i can think of so many better plot points for any fan fiction. I started off the book with a pretty cringey plot. I have regrets as to what i added, but i’m trying to go with the flow. Trying to think of better content. I can’t say when i’m going to be updating, because i honestly don’t know. Work and College classes are a big deal right now. I’m just sorry. I at least wanted to add a good chapter, something that people have been waiting on for two years, and i feel like i’ve accomplished that. I’ll add on in a while, just give me time (if your still interested by then). Again, i’m sorry. 


i thought i already replied to this, but thank you 


 Damn gurl! You got some bad luck! Besides that, we totally understand. It’s fine, take as much time as you need, because quality over quantity is much more appreciated and you don’t need to stress, gurl. Everyone has a life of their own so it’s not like we expect you to be some type of A.I. that writes fan fiction all day. You good . Btw, I hope you get better soon cause what you went through sounds pain af.


Not to be rude what is ur nationality 


@smakdatbish no u good I just wanted to know


@smakdatbish Im part indian and Caucasian, and im currently dating a African American (just wanted to say that so you dont think I'm racist). The phrase "really nigga" is a viral meme in the US, and isn't supposed to be a racial slur. Sorry if i offended you though


@smakdatbish yah sorry to intrude tho if you don't  want to say it 