
please fill out our this crush if you see something you like!


I love you 


*bites your lip*


@kianishere -kisses back with a triumphant smirk-


*kisses you passionately* oh hush 


You guys all deserve a better, in depth explanation, but all I can say now is that we are all currently homeless. We were forced to split up and we all live in different areas for the most part. We plan to gang up and get a house soon again, so please, be patient. We'll be back as soon as we can.
          For now, I have been chosen to take over the account. If you see action going on, it is simply me changing things up and preparing. We will be getting rid of some people and adding people. I will probably also rewrite all the bios. Thank you for your patience!


We need to take a hiatus.
          Jordan got in a car crash and is out cold in a coma.
          Angel has cancer and has started chemo.
          Keegan cut and passed out from bloodloss, he is in the hospital now.
          We haven't seen Thunder or Caleb for a while. No one knows where they went or where they are. We are all very worried.
          Shawn is keeping the house together, along with Rachel.
          Jade and I (Jesse) have been really busy visiting people and trying to scrape up the money for groceries.
          Rachel can't be reached, even if she isn't part of the account anymore we still could use her help, but her phone line was disconnected.
          The ones who are left have been scared, confused, and just trying at living life.
          We don't have time to talk, but we'll be back as soon as we can.
          Remember, your significant other loves you and WILL be back. They beg you don't leave.
          Now I've got to go get some cash and talk with my Sugar Daddy, but remember to stay safe.
          We love you all.
          ~Jesse & the crew


@AllDemPeople we love you all too ❤❤❤❤❤ ~all


@Idiotic_Fucks we love you guys❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤-all