
Just finished Dragons Rising Season 2 (Part 1 )!  More The Off-Screen Chapters will be released now that I have ideas for what happened, uhm, off-screen lol ✨


@IdkWhatToPutHere4010 Yippee
          	  Can't wait to read them!


OK BUT I JUST BINGE-WATCHED THE WHOLE ENTIRE PART 2 OD DRAGONS RISING SEASON 1 IN ONE DAY ✨!!  I'm literally sooooo hyped and now I have more ideas for fanfics >;3


@IdkWhatToPutHere4010 Hi Artsy! i watch your videos!!!


GOODNESS DID I JUST RUN A NETFLIX MARATHON??!!  They just released the whole freaking first season of Dragons Rising and I immediately started watching it this morning.  Literally.  Non-stop.  Fr.  AND I LOVE IT ✨✨!!
          Imma start making stories abt Dragons Rising so just a heads up for those who haven’t watched it yet.  Not soon, but when I have time bc I have a lot of things on my hands at the moment but I will start writing stables of some sort.  I hope y’all are doing well and God bless <3!


Edit:  Forgive me but the FIRST PART of season one of Dragons Rising was released.  And I will be writing DRABBLES, not stables T^T  Auto-correct go BRRRRRR