
It's been more then a month since you wrote skyrain book I know less people is reading it and maybe you don't have interest so can you please write 2 chapters and end it please don't leave it unfinished 


@BlackMoon267 yes I was focusing on the payurain story more but I'm planning to end off the skyrain one soon and quick but don't worry it won't be abandoned or rushed 


I again read your bio so I am requesting do it after your exams when you get holidays 1 Vegastankhun mpreg 1 KinnChay 3 TankhunChay 4 kinnpete 5 TankhunPete 6 TankhunMac mpreg and happy ending and don't stress just one shots only hehe


@BlackPanther646  haiii ok I will start these one shot at the end of this month probably or the start of the next month! I will for sure do Kinnpete, Tankhunpete and maybe Tankhunmac and I will think about the rest! Thanks for the suggestions! (I can only do ships I'm comfortable writing so I might not do one or two of these sorry!)


So you stop your books?


@Idkmebutikbts ok ok no worry exams is for life do best in them write when you really get time no hurry ok


@BlackPanther646 no but I have some exams going on so Im a little busy studying but I will try my best to update as soon as possible, I'm sorry for the delay but I hope I can upload quick 