@Idkwhatimdoing1092 Currently 12(you probably thought I was older- I do act like it tbf. Hope you don't mind? Some people stop taking me and my issues seriously just because of my age unfortunately. Some stuff that's happened to me has forced me to mature way more than I should be :( I miss when I wasn't like this). I sadly can't contact you outside this app for reasons right now(though probably in a year or less I will be able to), but I do appreciate the effort <3
I do feel like you're a close friend of mine too. Hell, probably one of my only friends, and I'm very grateful for that :)
Thanks for not hating me. I promise to try and get through it for you and the other friends I have. I can't find any support irl from anyone, so you and the few others I have befriended are the only strings keeping me from snapping and committing.
I appreciate you keeping me alive and at least somewhat happy. Love you /platonic. You're one of the only people I would actually write a whole few paragraphs to willingly.
Another way to keep in contact with me aside from here would be YouTube, but unfortunately you don't have it. If you ever do get it tho, my user is Eclipse-x62. Just so ya know!
A little heart for you cause you deserve it! ♡ :3
I do feel better for now after talking to you.