
What if I write a self indulgent spicy trio/threesome fic starring Emily, Levi, and Erwin? What then? 
          	Anyway, hi! I’m chipping away at the FINAL chapter of Creation. I’m just having a hard time letting it go. There’s a lot I would change about that story, but I’m so happy with all the recent love it’s been getting!
          	Speaking of changing… check out the new fic! Shadows of the Wall. It’s more Levi Emily canonverse goodness and BOY am I excited for this one! Lots of drama and romance and all the fun things planned for that one.
          	Thank you for reading my silly fics 


@IdleArtist everything u write is amazing l love your stories 


I love reading your stories, can’t wait for the final chapter of creation


What if I write a self indulgent spicy trio/threesome fic starring Emily, Levi, and Erwin? What then? 
          Anyway, hi! I’m chipping away at the FINAL chapter of Creation. I’m just having a hard time letting it go. There’s a lot I would change about that story, but I’m so happy with all the recent love it’s been getting!
          Speaking of changing… check out the new fic! Shadows of the Wall. It’s more Levi Emily canonverse goodness and BOY am I excited for this one! Lots of drama and romance and all the fun things planned for that one.
          Thank you for reading my silly fics 


@IdleArtist everything u write is amazing l love your stories 


I love reading your stories, can’t wait for the final chapter of creation


I am slowly but surely writing again. I have the new fic in the works and then I’m still chipping away at the final Creation chapter.
          Life’s taken me by the balls these last handful of months and drained my creativity. But do not worry! I didn’t fall off the face of the planet (yet).
          I’m very excited to share the new Levi x Emily fic with you! 


@IdleArtist you should  if you have time 


@melonlord1033 This silly platform didn't post my emoji with that last comment... lol. But, no. I haven't watched JJK or Demon Slayer ^^;


Only one chapter left…


@SosoLein3 Perhaps. I have a “rewrite” of sorts in the works. 


It has been an honor❤ please do a sequel I love your books


Hi. Thank you all so much for the comments and support recently! Makes me giddy every time I get a notification.
          How are you doing?
          What shall I update next? :)


@ IdleArtist  Im doing great, thanks for asking! I hope you're also doing well. I'm looking forward to a new Levi x oc chapter


We’ve missed you! 


Creation Chapter 16 update.
          I am writing again (yay!) I’ve pulled out the outline I’ve had for it and am writing the next chapter. It’s going to be a long one, however. Lots of action in this chapter (something I struggle writing to be honest. I feel like I can never capture the intensity of the fights? Maybe I’m just being hyper critical)
          It’s because of the action that it’s probably going to be a long one. But hey, you deserve a long chapter after such a long hiatus.
          Devotion/Creation is my baby. I don’t want it to end. But I’m also hyper-fixating on the rewrite I’m working on. It’s going to be written completely different in the sense that it’ll still follow Emily but it’ll be told in 3rd person POV and with lots of extras/side story/juicy drama. 
          Anyway. Back to writing for me! Didn’t want to leave you all hanging. I am alive. I am writing. See you in Chapter 16! 


Having a writer’s block. It’s strange. I think I burnt myself out with writing so much in a year lol. But, I did write some more of Creation.
          Any specific fic you want me to update first?
          New fic (Devotion rewrite)
          Undeniable (Levi x OC x Erwin)


I’d love for loyalty to be updated please 


Hi!!! Thank you so much! I’m currently working on creation (devotion’s continuation) but I have had a lot of interest in Loyalty. I’ll probably pick that back up soon. I just need to review the outline I had for it as I want to include new stuff instead of it being just a rewrite :) 
          Thank you for the support! Have you read Creation, yet?