I just saw that you decided to leave...
You probably won't see this but I hope you'll have a nice life that you encounter nice people and be happy! You will be missed <3
Hey Lexist i'm really sorry i left your server because no is able to be nice to me they just want to be alone anyways i hope you understand and i wasn't wasting your time
Alrighty folks, I'm officially leaving Wattpad. It's been great. Imma post all my extra memes in books Here but otherwise I won't be on. I'll miss you lots. Here's some ways to contact me;
My youtube channel:
My Discord Server:
I genuinely have no other social media or anything lol
Also Imma change my wattpad name. I used to be Lexist but imma change it so I can't be traced back quite so easily.
And one last time, the origin of my name. It's actually I exist, congrats. But the capital i looks like a lowercase L and people started calling me Lexist so now I vibe with it.
Thanks for everything, you guys.
9x -7i>3(3x-7u)
Ok, this is really important guys
If you pray then pray. If you make wishes on stars, then do that. If you like manifestation, then manifestation the heck out of this. Let's try to bring about a 2025 worth looking back at and going "yknow that was pretty great, I wish I could go back"
Let's make it a great year.