Hey guys, ive been thinking of putting up another type of completed book but im not sure what type i should do. If you have any ideas please Please message me. The idea that is most requested will be the one i will be doing. ^_^
@Iezabel Hi, thanks for the follow ^_^ <--- finally met another person who does this!
I think you should start a new one, do it on whatever genre you're into reading at the moment...
(also, from the anime point of view, have you seen black butler?)
OMG! You're flying through my book! Thank you so much for the votes on Safe Place, and following Gabe and Jess's story! There's only 5 chapters left until the end, so stay tuned!
We saw your vote and just had to write back with our thanks Iezabel for your wonderful time voting on the new chapters of I'm a Cyborg's Pet . hugs hugs can we say it again.. yes. Hugs.
Hey guys, ive been thinking of putting up another type of completed book but im not sure what type i should do. If you have any ideas please Please message me. The idea that is most requested will be the one i will be doing. ^_^
@Iezabel Hi, thanks for the follow ^_^ <--- finally met another person who does this!
I think you should start a new one, do it on whatever genre you're into reading at the moment...
(also, from the anime point of view, have you seen black butler?)
Just finished reading married to the prince of darkness.it took me about one and a half hours but it was still worth staying up till the wee hours just to read that story. :)