Guess who’s backkkkk :D
Reading Lists
Guess who’s backkkkk :D
Ok, so I drew an oc yesterday and now I'm making a book for it. Would y'all read it?
And I will no longer be continuing my MHA books. I will most likely completely take those down in the next few hours.
Ok y'all I haven't done this in a while but SHOUT OUT TO MY MAIN MAN @g4y_1d10t!!! HE WROTE THREE MORE CHAPTERS OF HIS BOOK 'Traumatic Love' IN ONE SITTING! GO CHECK OUT HIS BOOK NOW CAUSE HE DESERVES IT AND ITS A REALLY GOOD BOOK (despite the fact that the man can't write sm*t for shit )!!! BEWARE THOUGH IT HAS A HELL OF A LOT OF ANGST, AND SOME GAY SHIT IN IT. BRING YOUR TISSUES AND GO READ 'Traumatic Love' NOW!!
@IfIWasAWordIdBeUgly OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH. If there is anything I can do to make it better or anything just tell me, I would love to hear more of your opinions <3
@ThatOne_Ravenpuff Hi I am the writer of that book! Thank you for checking it out! I hope you like it!
So, I'm back. Miss me? (I can't get into my insta acc rn-)
Special thanks to: @Magical_Maria @FundyWasHere @Alien_es_gae @he_or_she_or_they @iwantfriendsplease @JayMars200 @Emicalove3 @IhateJared @LavenderPourchelle @Yeezyislove @The1andonly_weirdo @1lchimatsu_Matsuno1 @Bakugou_katsuku @YeEtThEsUsMaN @Swoftierawr3 @Username220207 @Mitsubaisbean @Bitchwhatami @Alexcat001 @Loose_Is_Cool @Hazel_Mha @_chaoticrat_ @hisokasgooglehistory @camp_campbell4 @Im-a-wOt @Smolcoachpotato @emilylovessadie @sasukes_leftsack @Rosey567564 @Kat_is_not_here_ @s1lv3r_shad3s @smackmeharderbebe @RemusWasTaken9 @AnimeLoverTsukiHina @Supersocks123 @TommyToTh3irTubb0 @florian123w @drey520 @iwishfordeathlmao @FOOFFYYYYY (And yes, I did count out all the Y's) @Shinkami_shiper4 @Alyviah042 @YourLocalRavenpuff @that-hades-kid962 @reonjunenthusiast @THAT_SADISTIC_MUFFIN And the rest of the lovably lovable Wattpad community. Let's make 2022 a better year yeah?
Ok so I spelled one of the users wrong there. It's actually @T0mmyToTh3irTubb0 with an extra 0. There's a story a friend and I made on there, so if y'all are into the dsmp and stuff like that, check it out. (Totally not me asking for views on my own book lols-)
I find it funny that it actually took me three minutes to type out all the @'s. But yes! Let's get the 2022 train going yeah?
It's New Years y'all. I hate it already. Hope your guys, gals, and non binary pals' year is amazingly fantastic in the best way possible. I wanna shout out some people here, so give me a minute or three to list their names.
I would like to say Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of y'all. 2021 was filled with some unexpected turns, ups and downs like stock marketing/stock prices, and a makeshift "fresh start". Thank you to all of you who I have come across on this platform and to those I haven't talked to in what feels like decades. Let's make 2022 a great year, yeah? "Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night." - Clement Clarke Moore
What does mcyt stand for?? Does it stand for like minecraft youtube or something??
@sauskes_leftsack Lols no worries! Took me a minute to realize what it meant myself too!
@sauskes_leftsack okay thank you!! sorry for replying so late lmao I've been struggling with this for so long XD
I'm back. Been over a month again, but I'm here. Not that you need me, but yeah.
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