
Okay so it hit our town...
          	Anticlimactic I guess. It wasn't that bad, just a really bad storm last night. 
          	It's still bad that it hit other places and caused destruction and power outages, but I guess I expected something a little more than what we got.
          	Still glad that we made it out of this minor disaster and guaranteed chapter later today.
          	Stay safe everyone!


Okay so it hit our town...
          Anticlimactic I guess. It wasn't that bad, just a really bad storm last night. 
          It's still bad that it hit other places and caused destruction and power outages, but I guess I expected something a little more than what we got.
          Still glad that we made it out of this minor disaster and guaranteed chapter later today.
          Stay safe everyone!


Sooooo. Here I am now. Apparently the cyclone is going to hit real soon. Possibly be tonight (it's 9 30pm rn) or tomorrow Saturday morning.
          I've never experienced a cyclone but one things for sure. I'm kinda scared. For myself and my family. 
          I do have hope we'll make it out. We have enough stuff just in case anything bad happens. I'm sure that a category 2 cyclone isn't that bad, haha...
          I'll be going to sleep now and hope that nothing bad happens. I might now be able to post a story for a couple of days but rest assured I will definitely make it back. I have high hopes.
          Stay safe everyone, and hope that Kazui gets his story finished soon.


@SomeoneWhoExists903 Yeah, same. I actually can't sleep rn I can hear the storm outside :D


There may or may not be an upload this week. So first off, a little bit about myself, I'm from Australia. And if you watch the news, you probably know about Cyclone Alfred. Nice name, I know. 
          Right now, the cyclone is going to hit Queensland, and there might be some issues with electricity so no Wi-Fi or access to this.
          Anyway, that's all I want to say and to let you know about that. Don't want to disappoint you guys but it is what it is. I'll let you know when I'm uploading.
          Have a good rest of your day and stay safe guys!


We are now heading to the final act of Bleach: New Generation. It's been a great journey with you all. To be honest I did not expect this to be as popular with 3k views, so thank you.
          I don't want to stop writing stories, so I'll leave it up to you to decide whether to go through with:
          1. Kaito Hisagi side story. After the events
          2. Wholesome slice of life IchiKazu romance story
          I want to explore more genres of writing and looking forward to my future projects


New chapter just dropped. I'll try to keep my schedule as consistent as possible. After all, as a human being I still have to do stuff and it usually takes me some time for me to finish a chapter so...
          It's all good though, I hope you enjoy