
Ok I opened up this app to reread whatever the heck i wrote for the linkxreader and apparently i also wrote like a whole paragraph in a different book? What was i up to last night


I have the flowchart completed for the choose your own adventure (I think it’s gonna be called Feed the Beast) and I gotta know:
          -do I write all the chapters first and then publish it when they have all been written 
          -or do I write and publish the chapters one at a time (you’d get the chapters sooner and I’d be more motivated but you’d be left on a cliffhanger for a while each choice)


@IguessIhavenoname the second one sounds a lot more fun, but the first one feels more organized...
            idk, you go ahead and decide


I have an idea for a short story:
          When people die and go to limbo, they experience exactly enough time that they change somehow. For some, it's only a week or two, for others, months or even years pass in the void, no matter how little time passes before they are revived (for example, even if Tommy and wilbur were revived immediately after dying, tommy would have still experienced 2 months and Wilbur would have experienced 13 and a half years). This is the compromise between the god of life (XD) and the god of death (mumza) that allows for the book of necromancy to work.
          The story itself is told from the perspective of mumza as she tries to keep Ghostbur happy, without realizing that she's keeping him from changing and leaving. It would only be one chapter long, but it would make me cry.


@IguessIhavenoname what the heck though what does any of this mean


@IguessIhavenoname the fact that this is about dream disappoints me


@IguessIhavenoname it looked a lot shorter in my head