
ooga booga




this message may be offensive
@Igur0s_wife mostly shit but at this point I expect it. So how was urs


@SUN_DR0P16 that's good! How was your day?


I just wanted to tell everyone Happy Valentine's Day, I know many hate the holiday or don't celebrate it but I just wanted everyone to know I really appreciate you all and would just like to spread some love around! I hope you all had an amazing day today, and if you didn't, just know things will get better and brighter days are always ahead! Love you guts! Mwah!! <333333


I think the worst thing about being religious and a homosexual is that you overthink a lot and think something is wrong with you when there really isn't because you haven't given up your faith towards God but at the time your scared that you have permanently affected your relationship with God so you pray to Him hoping it'll restore whatever was lost , but then you worry about if it actually did anything and then you spiral into an even deeper depression and now you're scared that you're ruining your relationship with him even more, and it's all downhill from there.
          Being Christian and being gay at the same time is rough-


Wooo almost done with the revamp! Just gotta change some things, here and there, and then everything will be all set! But for now, here are some updates about me!
          In case you don't remember, I changed my username from LunarAishi278 to Igur0s_wife! Along with the user change, I discovered some new things about myself, and that I no longer feel non-binary, and feel more demigirl. To go with that, I no longer go by the name Adrian, and much prefer Izzy as it is a nickname I go by at home and at school. So please refer to me as Izzy from now on! 
          Anyway, that's all for now! I hope you all have an amazing day, and I'll stop by again soon!!


hi, how are you? i don't know if you remember, but I posted a message on my mb asking everyone what their birthdays are. it might not be the 8th for you, but here where I am it is. So happy birthday, or early birthday! i wish that you have an amazing birthday this year and enjoy your time with the ones you love. And make sure to take care of yourself! \( ̄︶ ̄*\))


@arkserium Aww I completely forgot about that, thank you so much!! Out here in America, my birthday was yesterday/Sunday (depending on where you live) and I had a fantastic day! I appreciate the happy birthday! Feel free to come by and talk whenever need be! Again, thank you, dearie!!


Decided on two usernames that I might do:
          Not sure which one I wanna do, I might do the Iguro one since it matches my theme. Let me know what you guys think!


@Igur0s_wife I accept your apology, but there is still one thing I'd like to know.. what's your user? I'd really like to add you.


@itsuki_bakudekuChild That's true, I apologize for that-