
I have NO idea whether or not the last announcement I made was announced or not—so just in case it wasn’t, I made this one to notify everyone!


I have two announcements to make!
          1) I will not be posting until June—this is because I’m busy with duel enrollment and high school, since it’s my last year in highschool I can’t really afford to mess up. However I will still be writing just not posting, that way when I come back I will only have to post the chapters. And the star vs the forces of evil book is also still in the “draft” stage, I have ideas for it but I can’t decide on which on would make the story more interesting!
          2) the second announcement was so LONG that I’ll make a “book” about it, it’s basically just going to explain what ideas I have for this new story that popped into my head. If you want to read about it, it’s titled “announcement”, it’s going to be where my books are located on my page. 


@Effuaholes @bakugo_leftnut sort of a late response I’m so sorry but thank you!


Good luck with the rest of high school and your enrollment!


I’m so sorry everyone—I’ve been sick since Friday and never had time to work on writing. I was hoping to publish the chapter today but I slept almost the entire day. I promise I will try to publish a chapter sometime this week even if I am still sick.


@IhateuUWUo Your Welcome. Thanks For Telling Me That. I Am Glad To Hear That.


@IhateuUWUo Your Welcome. Thanks For Telling Me That.


@animelover422020 @EdmanGreat30 Thank you again, your words mean a lot to me and made my day


Since I’m not going to be officially posting I’ve decided to just do a spelling check with one of my friends on the one piece book. Winx club one is definitely longer so that’s why it’s not going to get an actual spell check until it’s finished. My friend is probably gonna see this so thank you and much love to you ❤️. She might not help me with all the chapters but I’m grateful she’s doing it with me.


@IhateuUWUo aww that's an amazing friend right there.. thank you both!! We love you! 


New chapters for both books will be posted after the 20th. Starting Monday is midterm week and I really want to focus on that. But I promise after midterm week I will start uploading chapters for the books. (Winx club and one piece, east blue addition.)


Good luck on your midterms!! 