
sorry for the slight spam today i was doing a bit of editing on my todoroki x reader (tbh i dont even know if yall get notifacations for if i edit a chapter but if you do sorry)


I need to come back and update more but (I know I sound like a crybaby but) school is stressing me out a lot because my grades right now are all c’s with the exception of a D and an A (I’ve always been good at science) plus I need to post more cosplay content on my social platforms and now I am in art at school so I have to focus on that too so I apologize for my absence (if anyone is actually keeping up with my fic) but hopefully I’ll be back during breaks 


I hate to do this... again... but I don’t really know where to go with my denki x reader so I’m gonna take a break from writing that until I can better figure out a story line. I’m actually stupid and just decided I’m gonna write this, then have no plan for it.


Ok so I have a question to anyone who reads my stuff I’ve been thinking about writing a Mina x reader or a jiro x reader but I can’t decide if I should write one (or two idc) of those and the current two or should I wait on those and only continue my denki/todoroki x reader


@plant_with_wigs you could try to write and alternate the stories if you want
            And if youre comfortable and have enough time with it continue it that way
            But if not
            Stick to your current schedule and put the new ones on hiatus
            It all depends on the time actually
            But I would read them for sure owo


Btw I’d still alternate weeks just with 3-4 instead 


I’m honestly horrible lol I’m late I’ve decided to write 200 words a day, (i’m supposed to have 600 by tonight I’m at like
           200-ish)Saturday is a break, and I post Sunday but my head is everywhere like let’s scroll through TikTok or let’s read homestuck and i’m just like no I got a focus this has to be out by Sunday


Ok so I’ve decided that the todoroki x reader will become a soulmate au where UA is a normal school because I’m still hooked on the idea of modern au stuff and I’ll probably start updating both of my story’s alternating back and forth between weeks (EX: this week was Kami x reader next week will be todo x reader, Kami, todo, kami, todo, etc. ya know)