
If you're a fan of anything I've written previously and are wondering why it disappeared, the answer is simple. I wrote all of that when I was in middle school and now, as a college student with actual creative writing knowledge, I hate it all. So. Hopefully,  I'll get around to posting some of the things I've written more recently.


If you're a fan of anything I've written previously and are wondering why it disappeared, the answer is simple. I wrote all of that when I was in middle school and now, as a college student with actual creative writing knowledge, I hate it all. So. Hopefully,  I'll get around to posting some of the things I've written more recently.


I just hate it when I'm trying not to laugh at something in a book since there are other people present so I just squeeze my hand. It makes me glad that I am not Quetzacoatl because my hand would be bleeding a lot. He seriously made his hand bleed once since his nails are so long. It made the mirror work better. 


@IheartbooksI Lol Kairi. You always laugh at books at random moments. It's just so funny!!! Sometimes I bust out laughing too when you're not looking


Are you kiwi


I can tell you are because you answered the same thing in a text just now and you have pictures only kiwi would have and you love Artemis fowl 


People say math is a subject. Am I the only one that has heard math as an acronym? M. A. T. H. Mental abuse to humans


@IheartbooksI Kairi ur crazy lol


I know. I got it from a friend


@IheartbooksI I believe that the acronym is true.


I'm paying this because one of these happened to me only a few minutes ago. These are signs to know you need help. I should right a book. If I get enough suggestions i will. This is for Artemis Fowl fans but any suggestions will be taken. I'll also definitely mention you. I'll only add them if I've read the book though sadly. Here's the first few.
          Someone says there's too much butter on something. You reply sarcastically there's not enough Butler
          You'll think about something then attempt too talk to someone. You accidentally call them an Artemis Fowl character (this has happened to me on many occasions. There was a time i was trying to talk to some kid and i almost called him Artemis. I was like Ar-Andrew. At least his name started with an a. There was another one where i almost called someone holly. Her name was no where near it


I did call you Holly when I was gonna tell you that she was being a jerk to Arty


@IheartbooksI I think you called me Holly. Anyways add in something about ButterSarcasm. Or maybe I need halp


Oh I remember Andrew I hope you didnt get a disease from the water