
Hello everyone! I'm just here to say that I have posted a new series that I have been wanting to do lately. Poetry, it's always been close to my heart. So, I hope you like it and please go check it out. Human Error is live now!


Hello everyone! I'm just here to say that I have posted a new series that I have been wanting to do lately. Poetry, it's always been close to my heart. So, I hope you like it and please go check it out. Human Error is live now!


Hello all my lovely followers I know I haven't been on in a while, but I would just like to say how thankful I am to each and everyone of you. I am sending this message to let you all know if you haven't already heard, That I am redoing "Autumn's Moon" I have already posted a new Chapter 1, I've posted a new summary and a new cover! I would be so grateful if you checked it out!


Hello my beautiful followers I know I have been away for a while but I have a new book coming your way and this one will be amazing! I prewrote these chapters unlike my other books so I won't be behind on this one. Hope you check it out, more details soon!(: