


╱⠀ ⠀⠀here too pls :)


“ I can do it myself .. “ his voice is that same, sweet croon that it usually is , no tonal inflections to admit whatever mood he felt , though the set of his shoulders likely meant annoyance , and frustration . It doesn’t help he can’t see what he’s trying to do , applying soothing cream to the scars on his face , and he sets the clay pot down rather hard , on the table before him . “ useless . I’ll just deal with it .” 
          @crimsonpetaIs       x.


"is your hair natural?" 


            Levi's lips softly parted as he watched him write, and he took the paper from him with a brief smile. "ah.. Thank you." he said, liking the little nickname before folding the paper neatly and putting it into his coat. 


“ I can still write it down for you , even if you indeed don’t have the time .” His voice is sweet, already having pulled out pen and paper, scribbling down some general care advice before handing it over with a smile . “ your most welcome , love .” 
            @FANGEDFXCK        x.


            "I wish I could actually use that advice but I barely ever have time." he sighed softly, giving him a small smile. "but thank you anyway. You're kind." 


“ i am certainly glad to have found this place, i am quite comfortable here. “ he mused with clothes on his body though  clear he wasn’t pleasant in having them on him.   fingers running through obsidian hair he watched the male closely,   “ mind showing me around this house? i am curious to see what rooms it has. “ 


the robe sat around the sins body though he didn’t complain about it.  the silk nice against his cold skin as he mindlessly walked around the halls with eyes scanning everything around him.    “ it is utterly beautiful here. “ he mused softly looking back to the other with a slight head tilt
            [  @IiIacwoods  ]


“ most certainly . This house will always be here for those that need it .” His voice is blanketed in sleep , though it’s obvious he has not attained rest , the hollows of his eyes seem shaded , darker . Luckily he had only offered the demon a robe , a silken slip of fabric in deepest richest green with a delicate gold trim around the edges . Careful depth of ash and flame do look up when he feels he’s being watched , a small , serene smile on petal soft lips . “ it would be my pleasure . “ 
            @carnalities        x.


@carnaIities       He tilted his head to the side, offering more skin , a soft noise of pleasure leaving him . His throat was sensitive and the others lips felt like heaven , and his hips wiggle a bit . “ thank you ..” he still isn’t used to compliments, but from death he quietly accepts them . He’s definitely submissive , especially towards those he sees as his betters , and death was certainly at the top of the pecking order . 


@carnaIities     He’s still tying the sash before eyes dart up to study death , a faint blush soon darkening . “ your too kind .” He wasn’t used to such compliments, but when he received them he couldn’t turn them down, instead accepting them shyly .  Careful steps carry the admittedly curvy male onto the bed , and slowly into deaths lap . He’s nervous as he settles his thighs on either side of deaths own . He was nothing if not obedient . “ yes?” His voice is soft and pliant as it caresses deaths ears , the priest moving back slightly to study the others face up close . “ your the gorgeous one here .” 


@carnaIities     He stops to stare , his cheeks heating up before he shakes his head , eyes deviating from deaths tempting form . He needed to focus . “ it would be my upmost pleasure . “ he’s quick to gather the clothing , stepping out of the room briefly to tend to them, popping them in the wash before moving back into the space . His own habit needs cleaning , but he’s a bit shy about getting naked , even in front of his god . Slowly he turns his back towards death , biting his lip before he began to undress , slipping his cleric collar off before taking off the shapeless robe he was forced to wear . His body sags a bit in relief , the robe was hot and heavy , not very pleasant but something you got used too . His body is pale and slender , a small waist accented by a plump ass and shapely legs that ended in dainty ankles and small feet he was pretty . Slowly he turns to face death , rummaging through the trunk for a kimono of his own . he has small breasts that bounce each time he moves , though the most intimate and interesting part was the long slender cock nestled between his legs and the small pink vulva that glistened with slick , a silvery womb tattoo highlighting the area before he tugged on a plain black thong, sliding into the kimono robe and tying it at his waist . “ I would do it for anyone , but you are welcome .” 


@carnaIities        He recognizes that death is being serious , and so he stills , listening intently before he nods , ever so slowly . “ I put all of my faith onto you .” His cheeks are tear stained , and he doesn’t look after the father when Mitchell walks away , cursing under his breath , instead he takes a few deep breathes . “ I could use a shower after that .. or something that makes me cry because I want to .” It’s awkward, his attempt at flirting , but it’s there, and he did try to put effort into it . It’s not long before he’s pulling death back into their room , unbuttoning the males shirt before rummaging in a small chest of clothing , humming once he found the black silk robe he was looking for . Dragons and clouds adorn the fabric in swirling golds and vibrant hues of reds , blues, and greens , even purple and silver . He’s careful with the simplified yutaka before laying it over the bed for death to change into . “ wear this till I can clean your clothing .” 


@carnaIities         Father Mitchell died , he’s certain of it , especially after being brought back , sprawling on the floor in a heap . He can’t crawl away from the standing make fast enough . “ you — I’ll alert the The Vatican of this! “ his voice is wavering but strong , before he bolts out of the room shrewd harmful gaze lingering on the tall pair . Ren can’t help but cry, hiding his face into deaths chest as his shoulders shook with the force of it . He knows exactly what the other priest is talking about , but it’s not his fault he was born into a demon family , but he was human . Sobs turn to hiccups before he blearily looks up . “ no no he doesn’t need to die.. I’m sorry.. I ruined your shirt.” He touches the large almost transparent spot of the white button down , fussing over it as he dabs at it with a handkerchief .