@carnaIities He stops to stare , his cheeks heating up before he shakes his head , eyes deviating from deaths tempting form . He needed to focus . “ it would be my upmost pleasure . “ he’s quick to gather the clothing , stepping out of the room briefly to tend to them, popping them in the wash before moving back into the space . His own habit needs cleaning , but he’s a bit shy about getting naked , even in front of his god . Slowly he turns his back towards death , biting his lip before he began to undress , slipping his cleric collar off before taking off the shapeless robe he was forced to wear . His body sags a bit in relief , the robe was hot and heavy , not very pleasant but something you got used too . His body is pale and slender , a small waist accented by a plump ass and shapely legs that ended in dainty ankles and small feet he was pretty . Slowly he turns to face death , rummaging through the trunk for a kimono of his own . he has small breasts that bounce each time he moves , though the most intimate and interesting part was the long slender cock nestled between his legs and the small pink vulva that glistened with slick , a silvery womb tattoo highlighting the area before he tugged on a plain black thong, sliding into the kimono robe and tying it at his waist . “ I would do it for anyone , but you are welcome .”