
Should I continue the jjk book or nah?


          Hi I have an update about my braces situation since you seem to want to he kept up to date with that sort of thing not sure why but hey I'll humor you about it so want me to spill the beans.


            Yeah I do in 6 months or less I should get them off soon. Additionally let me say this congrats on getting a spot on the student council hope you have a fun time and be careful and pace yourself with all that comes with it. I have never been in a student council before but then again I was a founding member of two schools so there's was no need for a student council moreover at least in my experience they hardly did anything worthy more so I wasn't interested in any clubs so I picked easy clubs that require much effort since it was needed to join a club. Also I community service hours were a thing anyway so you know it was best to in a place that didn't make me stay after school. I guess I'm glad life been treating you well I'm happy to hear that from you that's all I ask and hope to hear.


@MatureAdult810 YOU HAVE BRACES ? also sorry for the late response I got drowned in class duties OH ALSO I AM NOW I MEMBER OF STUDENT COUNCIL I STILL CANT BELIEVE IT WHAT


yes i made a jjk x reader book at 3 am come fight me


            I tried to stay awake at night and let's just say I wasn't looking too human by the end of it I was basically a zombie so I need my sleep or at least what I can get from my sleep.


@MatureAdult810 and im practically useless at morning cause im a night owl-


            I'm still concerned that's when you sleep compared to me who can barely stay awake at night see because I'm sure I mentioned this before I'm a morning person so I get all kinds of benefits in the morning but that also means I'm practically useless at night.


this message may be offensive
Hi I'm alive 
          Kind of 
          it's hurting while I'm writing this shit 
          I know no one reads this shit anymore but if anyone does TELL ME WHAT DO I DO


            Thanks for thinking so I try to keep a nice a formal but respectful style of talking I think when approach correctly so it ease the other person just trying to be someone others can rely on and be themselves with adapting as the situations calls for plus I want to know lots of people who are from different places and do things so that I can see the big picture and help bring a better tomorrow everyone hopes to see. Yeah about favorites I've long since I've given that sort of thing up on of the many things I'm never going to have anymore though when I was a kid it used to green but now I'm an adult so I don't have things like that anymore as I'm not creative. Food good question honestly I'm a picker eater and honestly I'm not food driven if anything I'm the type to be so focused and busy I will forge eating to get when I need to get done even if it means breaking my usually schedule and then have to forced out of doing that stuff because if not I'm in danger of myself and my life but not resting or eating or sleeping which I know but still it's not going to wait for me so I won't let it wait.  So I don't have much or eat much and whether I eat or not is a struggle to think of something however I believe I wouldn't turn down pizza that's one of the things I look forward to once I get this braces of which should be soon one final wire is left then they should come off.


@MatureAdult810 awh youre so kind and easy to talk toooo
            so lets start off with the most basic questions 
            whats your fav colour? mine is gold cause it complements my skin well ^^
            also what king of food would you prefer to have ? im a big foodie honestly but if i had to pick id pick sweet cause it gives me a sugar rush also because i have a huge sweet tooth


            Of course we will after all the two of have been getting along well for some time so it's not like we are starting off as strangers to each other but we certain have a foundation already we are just building upon what we already have and before either of us know we'll already be good friends so you don't worry about it doesn't need an active effort if we go at our usual pace then I'm sure we get to point either way there's was need a need to push forward for this kind of thing.


HI! life has been busy and I got elected from class representative like bro my class is cooked now anyways how are you  also @MatureAdult810 sorry I wasn't able to respond lately


            Now let's pause what do you mean you haven't done an eye checkup in years that's kinda important for you take care of your health are you eyes good how good/bad are they? What happened is life but everything all good because I am quite amazing when need be personally of the thought of if and when there comes a time I need to win and make it count then I'll simple do so at said times anything other time I don't care about winning or losing and don't worry I would never get hurt or die easily I've still got things I want to do and achieve after all. The dentist it's going well after this next time I'll get a thicker wire for my bottom row teeth then after that they should come off if things keep going as well as they have also got a new toothbrush addition there's a new dryer?/wash machine? I don't know which one was replaced but anyways yeah 29 years and we finally got a new one it's too big the room is not big enough well there's room but like why the have to big nowadays the old was much simpler and easier to use.


@MatureAdult810 yooo what happened tho you good? Also tell me what the dentist says and like I haven't done a eye checkup in like AGES last time I got it check was probably when I was 5 ig ;-;


            I don't what class representative is I don't I had that in my schools I went to. Then again two schools I went where brand new hence I'm part of 2 founding class for different schools but still. Hey it's okay that's fine you got stuff to do it's fine just when you have time is all no rush I won't be angry as long as you taking care of yourself and alive that's all good me I have a appointment today for the dentist and I making other appointments as well for example the bank, my eye exam and college stuff. Ah but I've had some good 4 nights sleep this work so I'm hoping my body just sort itself out after ruining my life.


my private library is more cursed than your life


            Yeah it's nice to talk with you too realistically I just assumed we talk here and there so having a long conversation with is pleasant surprise I don't ever expect to speak with people for a long time not for any real reason it's just how it was growing up for me. As for my friends from they in college one has a family the others are in the military and some just stopped responding so I don't what they doing now they just left and now I'm left with the question why which I'll never get an answer from them well I'm used to it. Well okay I trust you to be fine but just so you I'm going to keep a careful watch on you the moment I get a bad feeling I'm checking on you okay so just make sure to listen your gut feeling okay. I used to sleep peacefully when I was a kid but not anymore plagued with never endings nightmares which I overcame but I'm a light sleeper I also toss and turn and perhaps need a pillow just for me sleep with a stuff animal because I've done so for years I can sleep without it I just like having it in my arms when I sleep makes it easier and I feel safer and I like drinking milk before sleeping anyway. Though I get your concern of not wanting to bother people when busy at least if I'm busy you'd best not bother me unless it's something that can not wait and I have to drop everything to help you. Though I'm surprised I'm your first person to have a conversation with you this long I'll make it worthwhile and make sure you don't regret it so yeah let's keep each other company I hardly get to have one on one talks with others not for any real reason just so many things people want me at the same time but different places. My day today was well let's say I've been wake for longer than usually do to not getting enough sleep so I've been functioning quite some time but I'm not nearly shut down after all I'm save my energy more often than now so got energy left in the many tanks.


@MatureAdult810 oh damn I'm a really heavy sleeper but I used to suffer from insomnia too when I was 14 maybe try drinking chamomile tea before bed ? It helped me a lot so yeah and the donut was strawberry flavoured it was pretty good I went up to the guy to thank him and learned that he made the donut which made me pretty surprised cause it was pretty good overall that guy seems pretty harmless to me or maybe I'm just too naive to understand when he'll be a threat to me ig but till that time I'll try to build friendship w him. Also I get the friends being too busy to hang out thing I sometimes feel guilty to ask them to hang out w them knowing they're pretty busy so I just honestly stick to myself or make more friends honestly. Also it's so nice talking ( or texting) w you like I have never had a genuine conversation with someone on the internet for so long lol. 
            Anyways as long as I'm here I'll always ask about your day 
            I might not be able to reply immediately due to the time zone difference but I'll try to keep in touch as much as I can :) 
            Anyways how you today?


            Well not doing good actually I haven't been getting any good sleep and it honestly doesn't help I'm a morning person with insomnia but it's all fine and good even tired I can still easily do the work of millions of people all by myself. So what flavor of dount did you get also just be carefully okay just in general I don't want anything bad happening to you on my watch I will scold you if necessary if your not careful and make sure your taking good care of yourself maybe that guy was giving you a warning so you better take it and just be extra careful until you know for sure. Though thanks for asking about my day your the first aside from parents who ask about my day maybe it's because my friends trust me enough that they feel no need to ask me about it if only they weren't so busy so I can talk with them again but well it's expected so I'm not going to complain I'm just going to make the most of the time I can spend with them when they have free time.


Bitch come online I literally installed this app for u


@Iknowthatyourasimp u know u can still msg me by typing "wattpad inbox" on google right-


ah yes another sleep less nights cause of trigonometry ngl i will never miss this chapter it has troubled me sm-


            Yup I also once got a 500% A grade in my science class trus story I have witness to back up my claim so make of that what you will then my teacher transferred which is like why I've still got scores to settle with some teachers and they over here running away before I can.


            Also, this isn't me just saying I can actually back up my claim when I was in ninth grade there was a class I was undefeated in. If you had in the group you'd basically won. Then I was too good and got bench and a one time use. But I never lost in the class to no one maybe my last time was close but I won because I was faster. Then I transferred schools you know to give a better chance it was just unfair if I was there the whole time and I'm all about fairness even if I'm better than everyone else I'll make sure to play fair and not do anymore than they can plus more fun that way.