this message may be offensive
Amory Blame, Ikorous. You are a freaking genius. You make me stay up late and read chapters till 4am, I can't think of anything else really. I think about it when I wake up, when I eat, when I work (sorry boss...). I bet I already have eye bags in all shades of gray and I regret nothing. I finished Daylight in 2 days, and I'm going through TBE. It's simply... beautiful. It's beautiful. The words you use, the sentences you create. I feel for your characters, I smile with them, I find myself not being able to breath sometimes and I make faces as they do.
You created a truly magnificent piece, do you know that? Not just as a fanfiction but... as a whole book! If there would ever be a way to buy a printed version of your stories, I'd do it in a heartbeat. You make my heart skip a beat with every chapter. I already know that - with the last sentence of TBE - I'll feel like you took a piece of my heart with it. Well, fuck, I already know I'll feel empty and a part of me loves it. The other one is scared as shit but I can't stop and I want more. Take it all.
Your characters are so complex, so layered that I can find myself GENUINELY feeling for them, I feel my stomach actually tightening. I simply *devour* (wink wink) your writing. You deserve all the recognition. All of it.
Slytherin, ENFP, scorpio
(the most contradicting combo ever fucking made)