
Amory freaking Blame. I started reading OTNOD on fanfiction.net and then started the sequel and moved over here to finish that. 
          I think I finished both books in less than a week. This was the first fan fiction I’ve ever read and let me just tell you that you have opened the floooood gates to all things Hermione. I’m OBSESSED. 
          OTNOD was AMAZING and TBE was even better. You had me clutching my pearls and throwing my iPad down so I could go do a lap and come back to it. 
          Thank you so much for your incredible mind because I’m literallllllly obsessed and will never got over your series!!!!!!! 


Why did you decided to name them On The Nature Of Daylight and This Bitter Earth? is there a story behind it? ive been meaning to ask but just forgot until now


Hi! They both actually come from songs. On the Nature of Daylight by Max Richter and then This Bitter Earth is a mash up of that music with the lyrics and vocals of This Bitter Earth by Dinah Washington. I HIGHLY suggest you give them a listen bc they are just beautiful pieces 


Awww! Thank you so much! 


this message may be offensive
Amory Blame, Ikorous. You are a freaking genius. You make me stay up late and read chapters till 4am, I can't think of anything else really. I think about it when I wake up, when I eat, when I work (sorry boss...). I bet I already have eye bags in all shades of gray and I regret nothing. I finished Daylight in 2 days, and I'm going through TBE. It's simply... beautiful. It's beautiful. The words you use, the sentences you create. I feel for your characters, I smile with them, I find myself not being able to breath sometimes and I make faces as they do. 
          You created a truly magnificent piece, do you know that? Not just as a fanfiction but... as a whole book! If there would ever be a way to buy a printed version of your stories, I'd do it in a heartbeat. You make my heart skip a beat with every chapter. I already know that - with the last sentence of TBE - I'll feel like you took a piece of my heart with it. Well, fuck, I already know I'll feel empty and a part of me loves it. The other one is scared as shit but I can't stop and I want more. Take it all.
          Your characters are so complex, so layered that I can find myself GENUINELY feeling for them, I feel my stomach actually tightening. I simply *devour* (wink wink) your writing. You deserve all the recognition. All of it.
          Slytherin, ENFP, scorpio
          (the most contradicting combo ever fucking made)


@Felloe123 Oh my gosh thank you so much!!!! I am just thrilled that you have enjoyed it and loved it! You are so kind to come tell me how it has taken over your life (hehe sorry not sorry) and I am so excited for you to continue on with this story with me! Ugh thank you thank you thank you! Hearing how much this means to you is honestly so inspiring and makes me want to write even more! As you can tell I worked really hard to make the characters full, real people and I am just glad that you have connected so much with them. 
            PS- I LOVE scorpios!


Hello author ❤
          I hope u are doing fine... 
          Firstly I wanted to say sorry, I'm one of those silent reader who don't comment on your stories but believe me I always vote on chapters because normally I just prefer to read further and further so I forget to comment, sorry for that!!You know u are an amazing writer, you put those emotions in story which can hold any person to read it full at an instant and that happened with me. I have almost read all your stories and I just fell in love with your writing. I appreciate your talent ❤.
          Just wanted u to know that your stories are absolute masterpieces-emotions, comedy,suspense, thrill everything is there. 5 days ago I was searching for Darmione stories and I found your book. After reading "On the nature of daylight" and "This bitter earth" I'm becoming your biggest fan. 
          You, your book everything are just fabulous, you are an amazing  writer and your books are so damm worthyyyy !!Infact they are priceless!! Your books inspire me soooo mucchhhh and they are soo interesting that I want to read non stop!!!! Thank you for giving us such a lovely stories to read. I love your writing so much  .You deserve much more for your hard work.Lots and lots of  love  to u.❤❤
          *sorry for this chatter. Wrote too long message (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)*


@Extrovert_mind Oh my gosh thank you so much for this message.  You have no idea how great it is to login and see something like this.  Honestly, it is so touching to hear how much you liked the stories and how much they meant to you.  This made my whole day.  
            Don't feel bad at all for not commenting!!! Sometimes it is hard to fit all our feelings and expressions into words, but thank you again for sending this. Hearing that you liked my writing and style is just the best compliment I can get.  
            You are amazing.  Have the best day and I hope ALL THE GOOD things happen to you!!!


Please know that when I say I am burning for the next chapters of this book, I mean it with such ferocity that it scares me. Your work is so amazing and moving and well put together it makes my writers heart sing! Your fic is up there with Manacled and BreathMints and even those didn’t capture my heart like Daylight did. Sending this with all the love I can muster


@vocabularyquiz oh my gosh thank you so much! This made me smile so big you don’t even know  I am HONORED!!! 
            And guess what? I’m planning on posting the next chapter tomorrow! 
            Thanks for reading!


I don’t know if you’ll see this, or when… but I hope life has gotten less hectic for you. 
          And I think I speak for everyone when I say that we all hope you start updating again, and soon. Your work is nothing short of fantastic. I love it.


@AdoreAprilx3 thank you so much darling! 


I just finished “On the Nature of Daylight”  and wow it was such an amazing read! You are truly an incredible author and it’s one of the best fanfics I’ve ever read. I want to start the sequel but I might wait until it’s completed. Do you know when you’ll update it or how many chapters “This Bitter Earth” has left? 


@jasmine_1017 Yay! I am so happy you liked it and thank you so much!!!  Yes, TBE is current a WIP and I don't have an exact update schedule in place bc my life is a little hectic right now.  I will be posting the next chapter for TBE (chapter 12) next week and I am planning on there being about 19-21 chapters in total (just depending on how it goes) and hopefully completed by the end of March? May at the latest.  There is a decent chunk of it out already if you did want to start, but of course I totally understand when people want to wait until it is completed to read it as well so they don't have to wait for new chapters.  Either way, thank you for reading Daylight and leaving this wonderful comment!


Yesterday I have finished On The Nature of Daylight....and still thinking about the story... can't able to get it out of my head....this story is just perfect.... everything was just perfect...the story, the character, the chemistry , the slow burn everything...this is the best fanfiction I have read...you are an amazing and talented writer... thank you so much for the story....
          waiting for The Bitter Earth to finish. so I can read that.. 
          hope you will finish that soon...


@O_U_K_U oh wow thank you so much!  You are so kind to say so! It is wonderful to hear that you loved it.  Thank you again for sharing your opinion with me because it made my day!  You are so sweet!


Just finished reading in the nature of the daylight and I just loved it  I can’t wait for the bitter earth. Please upload I am just in love with them ❤️❤️


@_christyy01_ Thank you so much!  I am thrilled that you enjoyed Daylight.  This Bitter Earth is currently a WIP and the first ten chapters are up if you want to go ahead and ready them.  If you want to wait until it is completed though that is fine too!  Thank you so much for reading!!!