Hey, beautiful people! I'm sorry for not updating. I was preparing to move the past couple of weeks since I started college this week. I'm sorry if I take long to update. Still, thanks for all the support. Also, just dumping this here. College is hard. Not in the academic type of hard (no lessons yet) but in a social way. I'm new to the town and school and everybody just seems to already know each other even if we're all freshmen. It's really frustrating since I'm not social and I really want to make friends with people but my own mind can't force itself to do it. I just tend to sit on one corner when everybody else are already acquainted with each other not even 30 minutes in. But it is what it is, I'll survive. On another not, the first week is expensive af. I had to buy a ton of requirements. If I don't pass that subject, I'll cry. I did not pay 900 for a technical pen (my prof said that he requires that specific brand so that explains the price) just to fail. Honestly, good motivation right there. I did not waste this much money just to fail. Anyway, that was unnecessary. I just wanted to give an excuse to my absence. I'll update when I can. If you have read until here, thanks for reading my dump. Have a great day!

@IlaLocinLee that sucks but I hope you make friends soon and I'm positive you'll pass, so that expensive pen will not go to waste!