aww, haha I miss you too. and my apologies for not being on here for so long... have so much things that im going through and its been a rough time the past few months. but I do hope that I'll be more active during summer break and updating somewhat regularly. x
I hope everything get better for you because you deserve every chance of happiness and I'll always be here. I love your writing and you're wonderful and beautiful never forget that
hello, hi there I miss you too and I miss being on here and writing regularly like I used to and I'm so sorry I'm really trying to update for you all but I'm just not in the right state of mind right now buuuut hopefully I'll be back on here soon okay I love you a whole lot x
Ohh no honey please take all the time you need. Honestly you come first, take care of yourself thanks for answering me!!! Hope you get better and everything changes for the best! Love you doll Xx