this message may be offensive
Again, I have to say something. Don't read if sexual abuse triggers you. I only ever announce things to complain since everyone in my family has failed me.
Being treated like a sex object by who I'll call "My spermdonor", has effected me bad. Then who I'll call "My birthing person" has only defended him. The day I told him to stop touching my ass, she got angry with me. I hate them both. If they died, I'd be free. My birthing person even found it funny when it was happening. I've had suicidal thoughts as I keep myself in my room most of the day. I'd never kill myself. As a Christian, I doubt I could go to heaven that way. I will never kill myself, but I just don't want to live. I love you all. You are far better than them, and I wish to be near those who actually make me happier. The only time I'm happy is when I'm playing Wuthering Waves. I've even got gender dysphoria. I'm disgusted at being a girl, wishing my disgusting female form would just tear off of me. But even if I was a guy, it wouldn't be enough. I don't want a physical form. I foolishly thought I was non binary. I don't want a body. I was doing a good job at slowly controlling my weight, but as the depression sunk in, I've gained weight. Because I want to look ugly. I'd never off myself to be clear. I'm just too sad.