
Omg 200+ reads thank you guys so much you are awesome!!!!!


I am officially depressed, my mom and grandparents think I am on drugs, my oldest brother hates our little brother and then they all seem to yell at me. It seems that no matter what I do I still screw up some how.  And I have no friends and I'm not really social. And just so everyone knows. I have lost friends to drugs and other stuff I am not stupid... I am just the broken shell of a girl who was forced to grow up at the age of 10.


Hi everyone I am going through a really Rough time right now and am going to be honest with you. I am really really depressed and have done self harm I know its stupid but I don't know what to do I have already tried therapy and a mental hospital but am slowly dying inside mentally. I have been through a lot. A lot more than any person should and so I am going to take a break from writing my books... But I promise that I will update


I know the feeling. Ive tried medication, therapy, mental institutions, etc. and none of those have worked. I know how it feels to be so down that you want to hurt yourself to the point where you might not recover. I know how it feels to be so burdened with anxiety and depression to where i dont even get up to eat and interact with people. I know how it feels to feel like youre all alone in with your problems that seem impossible to overcome. But you can get through this. I believe in you. Because I myself is slowly getting better. Yes there may be some bumps in the way but you'll pick yourself up from it and become stronger from it. And if you ever need to, i am here to talk