
Esta es una de mis parejas favoritas así que espero hacerles justicia.


Estás viva autora-san tengo una pregunta?


@Ilovelawlu ya se me olvido lo que iba a preguntar, pero bueno hago otra pregunta planeas sacar mas historias lawlu? algun omegaverce?


@arigato43 Estoy viva, gracias por acordarse de mi, espero este fin de semana poder traerles muchas sorpresas.


Grammar doesn't really matter on wattpad people don't even use grammar when they type their stories on here and I still read them and I still love them but if u prefer to do grammar then u go bro I'm just not good with grammar so type how u wanna type I'm all for it I don't care how bad some people's grammars are it matters how good the stories are 


@lilmay1417 Thanks man, you have encouraged me to publish it in english and make me feel my story is good and that is something I really apreciate, I'll follow your advice and do it. :)


I believe some people may like the story because I like how this story is going so far on achieve of our own cause I like lawlu.


@lilmay1417 Oh thank you so much for your input, english is my second language so I'm actually a translation student, if you wouldn't mind helping me revise my grammar I could post all of the chapters that are in spanish to the english forum? I guess, since there are always some expressions I need help with but I don't have anybody to help me with it, that is of course if you can, don't worry if you can't, I'll do it anyway just at a slower pace.