
Yay! I'm writing a story about my dreams for once! But dreams are really cryptic. Like, how the hell does my brain even think of these things? An Underground Creepy Walmart? A psychotic school serial killer? A class field trip to the past? I'd love to a have a conversation with my brain right about now. For example, WTF are you on!?


Yay! I'm writing a story about my dreams for once! But dreams are really cryptic. Like, how the hell does my brain even think of these things? An Underground Creepy Walmart? A psychotic school serial killer? A class field trip to the past? I'd love to a have a conversation with my brain right about now. For example, WTF are you on!?


So, I have confirmed that I am a huge idiot. When creating this account I put in the wrong email, therefore I can no longer change the password nor the email that I had used for this account :( I might have to make a different account using my actual information, but the stories I've written will be there as well.
          -Moi the big small brain


Anyone ever feel like ever since school season started, all the stories you've been reading haven't gotten updated at all? Like nothing against the authors because i pretty much am doing the same but, I feel like there's a growing despair in me. Lol what am o saying XD