Hey, y'all! It's been a while! Too long, actually! I feel like my journey with "Just You" has been a long, tedious, & hectic one. Sooo much has happened since I started writing it, and I know I owe all of you an explanation. Truth is, I just haven't had the passion to write. Right now, it's not just writers' block, but depression. My mother-in-law passed away, and I was with her till her very last breath. Feels weird not having her here. Especially since Mother's Day and her b-day is coming up. I'm just kind of lost right now. I also started homeschooling because my daughter was getting bullied soo badly that it turned to death threats and sexual harassment.
I have sooo much planned for this story and still plan to continue to write it. It just might take a lil longer than I anticipated to finish it. I am seeing Yoongi this weekend, so hopefully, he can help me with my mental state and pull me out of this rut! Ty everyone who has waited patiently and has sent me kind words of encouragement! I love you all! I will try to get you a new chapter as soon as possible! Till then.... Apobango.... Borahae