Hello! I haven't used this platform in YEARS so firstly, what's up? How is everyone? I hope everyone is safe and healthy during these times. Secondly, I want to thank everyone who has read and voted and commented on A 3rd Naughty. I have now seen all of your comments and really appreciate it! I have always loved writing and to see so many people love a story I wrote such a long time ago really boost my confidence. I never updated or posted another story after that one because I thought it wasn't good enough to be seen by people at the time. I was very self conscious about my stories and I remember that one being a quick story I found very cute and fun so I posted it. Since then, I have been working on my style and how I write and develop my stories for the future. I have actually spent a few years on two characters and thinking of their personalities and developments. I have made it to a point where I am writing these stories on paper instead of leaving them in my head. I plan to finish up 5 chapters and begin posting them for everyone to read. The first one is another smurf story that I have written and rewritten so many times before. This character is very different than Kate, but she will also still have her cute moments. She is, of course, another Naughty but she has been through quite a lot already at the beginning of the story that I cannot wait to reveal everything bit by bit. The second is a My Hero Academia story. I got into that show around 2-3 years ago and have been developing this character ever since. She is an aspiring hero with a weapon summoning quirk but not a lot of common sense or understanding of how the world really works. This story has 1 1/2 chapters. I cannot be certain when these will be published, but I am hoping for it to be by the end of the year or early January. They both will be very different than my others and dealing with much deeper and complex situations and problems. Thank you again for all your support! <3 <3 <3

@ImAPotato777 Could you make a part two? Idk like she’s in Smurfs the lost village also how old is she?