
Isn't it crazy how people we've never met in real life can support and love you more than people you know for real? #LateNightThoughts


I'm good, i just had vacation, so i'm not that busy (yet)
          You'll first have a really long and nice vacantion, don't forget that ;d
          Hahha, i like that one. Here is one for you: 
          Roses are red,
          Violets are blue,
          Sugar is sweet 
          and so are you.
          That one really fits you. Because you know, you are a really sweet girl :)
          I love you ❤
          You're are better than the best :p


          Ken je me nog?
          Ik scrolde zonet langs m'n feed op wattpad en zag alle lieve berichtjes die je had geplaatst toen ik weg was een jaartje geleden. Je hebt me zo erg gesteund en ik vervloek wattpad dat ze me geen meldingen gaven elke keer dat jullie iets postten.
          Ik mis jou, kersje. Ik mis jou en sweetske echt heel erg.
          Ik hoop dat je senior year goed gaat en ik duim voor je. Ben echt heel erg trots opje. 
          Veel liefs
          lou ❤️


heheh you aree. (ONLY 2 MORE)
          and you deserve every follower :) 
          you deserve everything tbh.
          You dance? I didn't know that. I can't dance at all. I don't know why. I guess i'm not made to dance, it always looks so weird, like i'm half cow, half human. Every person who have seen me dancing, needed an eye surgery, hehe.
          love you ssoooooo much more xx


I don't know why they make school so hard. We don't deserve that :( 
          I have good grades, but I need to work really hard to keep them. Something I'm not really good at. I always want to do something else then homework. Watching movies, writing, going out with friends, playing soccer. I want more time to do the things I love to do.
          After this year, there will be three more years for me, yay -.-
          Can't wait for the time I can learn the things that I find interesting. 
          I love you so much x
          kisses ❤
          ps. you have almost 600 followers, i'm so proud of you