
@scarletoak @thesecretavenger I didnt "just" copy and paste it. It was more difficult than that, since she has All Rights Reserved. I think thats what Secretavenger was asking. I'd give away my secret but you've probably figured it out by now. And it's, not .com.


haha I just had to read all of these comments, ps: ImAfraidOfToasters it must be really hard to come up with ur own ideas (Note my sarcasm) like i'm dead honest when I say  plagiarism is one of the stupidest things someone could ever do, it's practically admitting that your to lazy to make up you're own ideas so you just steal other peoples. and I hate to say it but you would have to be really insecure and afraid of people not liking you're own ideas to do something like this. 
          I 100% agree with TheRealOP.
          I'm going to go out on a whim and say that deep down you're probabilly a good person but you can't expect people to see that if you do things that are illagal and wrong ?


Toasters!  Sweetie, I've missed you!  How have you been?  I mean it's been quite a long time since the latest plagiarism fiasco, hasn't it?  So, I was doing another routine check of my story, you know, because I wanted to find more people like you who steal my story and become best friends with them.  And you know what's funny?  Guess!
          Oh, come on, give me a good guess!
          Fine, I'll just tell you. I found you again!  *Gasp*  You were on Noveljoy weren't you?  Oh my, you are a slippery thing.  Well, I took the liberty of contacting the website authorities again, as usual haha.  Hope you don't mind.  Eh, you probably don't because tomorrow when I check, I'm sure you'll have deleted your account just like always. 
          Well, it was nice checking back in with you.  I enjoyed reading how you stole my story by the way. You should totally make an ehow article.  No wait, you should steal someone else's ehow article about how to steal someone's story.  You know, since you're not good at using your own brain and all to come up with stuff.  I can help with that if you want.  
          Let me know.  ;)