
Yes, I'm still alive.
          	Firstly, MERRY CHRISTMAS, EVERYONE! Happy holidays, if you don't celebrate. I was actually supposed to do all this yesterday (since Christmas day was actually yesterday) but between the four glasses of wine, the two glasses of ponche de creme and the amount of cooking that I had to do (which induced the food baby), there was literally no time. I hope that the day treated everyone well!
          	To the business at hand. I've decided to end Give Me Love after much consideration. I think that the main story has been told and I can't think of any other way to end it. And what way is that, you may ask? Well...
          	You can find out NOW as the FINAL chapter of Give Me Love is now posted and LIVE! Find it here:
          	I've had a really good experience writing this story, mostly because it was inspired by a mixture of real events and an old fantasy of mine. So glad that you were on this journey with me. So for all the lovely comments, the votes and the private messages, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I'm putting Jason, Caleb, Dante and Alex to rest, maybe for a while. I don't want to overdo the characterization but you never know when they may make another appearance!
          	Sooooo, thank you again and enjoy the rest of the holiday season! Stay tuned for future works.
          	Love, peace and sparkly things,
          	AJ ♥


Yes, I'm still alive.
          Firstly, MERRY CHRISTMAS, EVERYONE! Happy holidays, if you don't celebrate. I was actually supposed to do all this yesterday (since Christmas day was actually yesterday) but between the four glasses of wine, the two glasses of ponche de creme and the amount of cooking that I had to do (which induced the food baby), there was literally no time. I hope that the day treated everyone well!
          To the business at hand. I've decided to end Give Me Love after much consideration. I think that the main story has been told and I can't think of any other way to end it. And what way is that, you may ask? Well...
          You can find out NOW as the FINAL chapter of Give Me Love is now posted and LIVE! Find it here:
          I've had a really good experience writing this story, mostly because it was inspired by a mixture of real events and an old fantasy of mine. So glad that you were on this journey with me. So for all the lovely comments, the votes and the private messages, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I'm putting Jason, Caleb, Dante and Alex to rest, maybe for a while. I don't want to overdo the characterization but you never know when they may make another appearance!
          Sooooo, thank you again and enjoy the rest of the holiday season! Stay tuned for future works.
          Love, peace and sparkly things,
          AJ ♥


Hey guys!
          I know, I know. Absent writer and al that jazz. I'm so sorry! Butchu Between work, school and NGO committments, It's tough to sit and get a FULL chapter out. Just so tired. But I've been writing bits and pieces as I get the inspiration, so look out for the new chapter of GML!
          Buuuut official business. The NGO that I partner with is seeking to build an edited collection of stories seeks the voices of LGBT or otherwise identified persons who have been silenced and wish to be no longer. These stories will show young persons that experiences of marginalization are not unique; they are not alone. These stories will challenge the norms that deny the existence of LGBT+ persons in the Caribbean. Entries can be anonymous, named or pseudonymed. Authors who wish to remain anonymous will be treated with the strictest confidentiality.
          Submit your story today! For more information, visit the official Silver Lining Foundation event page ( or visit 
          Hurry! Deadline's fast approaching. (November 30) 
          Peace, love and sparkly things!
          xo, AJ ♥


Hey guys!
          So...GML update! And surprise, it's TWO CHAPTERS! (Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!) Deviated from the original plan a bit but leh...we'll see how things go.
          Chapter 8:
          Chapter 9:
          DISCLAIMER! Chapter 8 is...NSFW. forewarned. One of the most intense and nervewrecking scenes I've written to date. You can skip to Chapter 9 if you don't want to read the smut.
          Stay sparkly!
          AJ ♥


So, I'm working on the new Chapter of GML (while I'm on lunch at work, mind you - preview: it's pretty NSFW. I'm such a rebel haha). And I'm listening to "Demonstrate" by JoJo. This may very well be the theme song for this chapter. Update coming soon!


Congratulations, America, on being progressive and ruling in favour of marriage equality. Congratulations on recognizing homosexuals as individuals and citizens.
          Now, if only Trinidad would begin to be progressive and decriminalize homosexuality.  
          Tell me about your weddings when you get married!
          Peace, love & sparkly things,
          AJ ❤