Tw: capitalism, child labor, injury, overworking, lack of sleep, trauma,yelling, blame, and more I think so careful
lol gonna wake up ✨early✨ tmrw and go ✨work ✨ with people who ✨hate me✨ and blame there mistakes on ✨me✨ so that my boss gets ✨mad✨ and ✨yells at me✨ which triggers my ✨trauma✨ and then my mom ✨finds out✨ and gets rlly ✨mad✨ and this whole thing could have been ✨avoided✨ if my mom didn’t decide to have me ✨work underaged✨ which is ✨child labor ✨ bc I’m under the ✨legal age ✨ to be allowed to work and even tho my work is ✨damaging✨ for my mental health bc it ✨triggers✨ my trauma, ruins my ✨sleep schedule✨, only gives me one ✨free✨ day a week but that day is spent doing chores I missed working, ✨stresses✨ me out, makes my grades ✨worse✨, my ✨preformance✨ at work gets ✨worse✨, I gain more ✨trauma✨, I’m ✨overworking✨ myself bc I work for 8 hours ✨straight✨ of physical labor ✨outside✨ in 10degress weather with ✨no coat✨, I’m physically ✨damaging ✨ my body bc I’m overworking it, get worse eating schedules, worse sleeping schedule, and get injured at work from various things, I’m not able to take ✨sick days✨ bc I need to prove to my boss that I love working even tho I legit am having trouble breathing bc of my ✨asthma✨, there’s also ✨a lot more✨. Don’t we just love capitalism