
Dinner’s ready kids *rings bell*
          	Both ‘The Bet’ and ‘The Debt’ are on the menu. Enjoy!


At long last, I am back from the dead and ‘The Bet’ has been updated, but that’s not all.
            If you are interested in reading a blast from the past (*cough* The Debt *cough*), then hop on over to my page and reminisce with old characters!


@ImJustPepper I missed “ The Debt” SOOO MUCH I almost cried when I saw it was deleted, so glad it’s back❤️❤️


Thank y'all so much for all the love everyone has been showing for 'The Debt'! It really means the world.
          I'm going to reiterate here what I just posted in the author's note of chapter 35 of 'The Bet' (That's out, btw. Go check it out) so everyone can be filled in on the tea.
          Here's the tea:
           'The Debt' was sadly taken down by Wattpad at 2M reads. Now, the way I see it, I have a decision to make. I can make a new account on a site like Inkit or Radish and y'all can read 'The Debt' unedited and free, OR I can use this as a way to transition to a site like Patreon, so you all can read a more tailored version of 'The Debt' for cheap (because your girl is a broke college student with a broke college student job that would like a side hustle).
            SO, let me know what y'all think. You're the reason I gained confidence in my writing, so I want to hear you out before I make any decisions.
          Love y'all.


Did we ever get an update on this? I never finished this book cus I took a break off wattpad but I remember it being sooo good 


@ImJustPepper where can i read The Debt 


I know I’m late to the convo but you can also have your book published on Amazon. I read it and absolutely would buy a full on copy of it. (I’ve done it with some of my short stories and full novels) 


Unfortunately, ‘The Debt’ has been removed from Wattpad:( Luckily, experience and some of you readers warned me that this might happen, so I have it backed up! It’s an unedited rough draft, but it is something. I do not know if I will repost it on Wattpad because I don’t want it to be removed again, but I will repost it somewhere and let y’all know!
          So sorry this happened, I’m upset about it too. Thank you to everyone that read the book. I hope to make it available to you and those that haven’t read it soon<3
          Love y’all! 
          Have a nice day.


@O4ocean_new a bunch of stories on wattpad have that storyline


@ImJustPepper All the favourite ones are being purged . Wattpad will soon be a place to read holy religious books 


Also pl write a book in which a mature ( age around 30)  hard-core dominant assassin falls for a teenage girl school girl of 17/or just turn 18. While finishing off one of her target. The gal accidentally becomes the witness, but the assassin falls for her beautiful eyes and features.. and then becomes tye story involving kidnapping, mild torture, fighting to escape and then love hate relationships starts which end up in love making/ marriage.. ;) 