@ImStupidAndAnxious Im not sure honestly. Hes been my best friend for years and I have liked him for a while, but like you said, If it doesnt work out I dont want to lose him as my safe space
And if it doesnt work out and things end badly, I dont think I could cope seeing him around knowing hes no longer in my life
@ImStupidAndAnxious but if you really like them it's worth it, cause you know you can go to them and communicate if there's a rough patch and it could be a really strong relationship with that
@ImStupidAndAnxious out of experience I'd say 50% yes and 50 no, I did in highschool (14-15) and it created alot of trauma, and I am now it just comes with petrifying fear you'll lose them not just as a partner but as that best friend and safe place
My biological mum died last night and Im struggling to deal with it alone but my real dad isnt here and my foster dad doesnt wanna know so Im forced to deal with it alone and everything hurts right now
So my dad just came in with a pizza and put it down on my bed, only to take a slice before I could get any and he said "jokes this is for me" I hate him
Okay so I know Ive had this account for four years and have only just now started being active on it but I kind of want to post a meme book cause I have too many funny things to share and no friends to laugh with