CHANGE OF PLANS! Apparently I misread the damn thesis requirements! It's not 60k WORDS it's 60k CHARACTERS. Like, letters, and numbers and stuff.
CHANGE OF PLANS! Apparently I misread the damn thesis requirements! It's not 60k WORDS it's 60k CHARACTERS. Like, letters, and numbers and stuff.
I have unfortunate news. All my stories are on break until the end of April. I have a 60k word thesis to write if I want any hope of passing my final year in school. My brain is dying.
Does anyone think if I magically fall into a coma, I can just get a pass? Y'know. By accident?
@ImTired269 Well I don't know where your school is, but in Australia, for our HSC, if someone dies, there's a shooting or emergency like a fire, or if someone is pregnant, then everyone either automatically passes or gets extra marks / points.
Do with that what you will
Status Update!
Frostbite Chapter 39 : 100% (Awaiting Publish)
The Hyuga-Uchiha Hybrid Chapter 7 : 100% (Awaiting Publish)
I'll Carve My Mark Chapter 9 : 50~60% (Under Writing)
Thank you for being patient. :)
I've been with Wattpad for 4 years now.
Damn, I should've had something else out by now. Thank you so much, seriously. I love you guys. Wouldn't be here without you. :)
Two things to note!
1. It was a mock exam yesterday (thank fucking god, otherwise I would be COOKED)
2. My dorm microwave catches fire whenever it's turned on. (If it didn't, my food would be COOKED)