I need everyone I dated before to know, I'm no longer talking to strangers, it's a dangerous act, if I don't know you, you don't know me, example, I could be a pedophile looking to harm someone (I'm not, and I would never harm someone, unless it's needed, but NOT CHILDREN!), or, someone that makes you uncomfortable irl!
So, please take my word and think, do I really want to put myself in danger and potentially get kidnapped, raped, or something worse? The answer for that should be 'no' every single time.
Also, to the guys and gals I used to be dating, sorry for the inconvenience, I'm breaking up with y'alls, I found out I'm lesbian and I'm back together with my ex girlfriend (Shocker!), she's just a sweet gal and my feelings for her came back stronger than ever, and I am convinced that she is my soul mate.
But seriously to the younger folks that are in my followers list, do you and I a favor and stop talking to people online, it's dangerous.
And ik be late but happy New Year everyone, have a good 2025.