Why AM I here? That's a good question, though I have no answer. 

Reading is a portal to who you are inside, not who is shown to others.

In my head, I am the god of my own little story world. I create and destroy, give life and take it. I am truly who I am, not who you see, all in my story land, all for me.

I'm at 69 followers, no one is allowed to follow or unfollow me now!

If you must know something about me, the "Nobody wants to admit they ate 9 cans of ravioli" meme best fits me.

My Disciples So Far!

  • That window right there, EYE see you!
  • RegistriertJuly 6, 2018

Letzte Nachricht
Im_Bored_And_Tired17 Im_Bored_And_Tired17 Apr 07, 2020 09:50PM
Guys look at this cat! So cuteeeeeee!! https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ
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