
Hey everyone! Please, please, if you have spare time can you check out my two novels; Saylems High, and The Metal Teen Chronicles? It would mean so much to me, and it would be great if you could give constrictive criticism! Thank you!


@Im_JustJustin im am reading saylems high and love it i would like you too read a book of jeffthekiller566 its  a creepy pasta book you might like it its called slenders daughter jeffs angle


Hey everyone! Please, please, if you have spare time can you check out my two novels; Saylems High, and The Metal Teen Chronicles? It would mean so much to me, and it would be great if you could give constrictive criticism! Thank you!


@Im_JustJustin im am reading saylems high and love it i would like you too read a book of jeffthekiller566 its  a creepy pasta book you might like it its called slenders daughter jeffs angle