Hewo there! I just wanted to apologise on how slow my updates are getting and the book is starting to get very no fun, well I don't really have a reason for the slow updates but I do have one for the "very no fun", it's because I'm kinda running out of ideas, well ik what I'm going to do at the end but not about what I'm going to do in the middle parts, it sometimes gets kinda trusfrating so I hope you understand Stay safe ❤❤

@lejindaryworld you don't have to be sorry it's my habit to get trusfrated and freak out fast

@lejindaryworld tbh when you told me to update made me even more trusfrated but thank you :)

@Im_that_beach dw about it girl! its one of those annoying cases of writers block, but itll go away soon i promise. writing takes time and I get that! take as much as you need to work on your magic, okie?