@Thatone61216 ah I’m sorry for his loss! He’s sounding like my male counterpart a little, the fear of spiders, I also lost my dad a few years ago, I even have a 3 letter first name too. He’s Ben, I’m Zoe. We’re both 24 LOL! Bit crazy.
Ah having someone to sit in silence with is so nice, me and my husband often sit just doing our own thing. He’s quietly gaming, I’m reading/writing. It’s great!
People do tend to have their opinions unfortunately. Yes, me and my husband did deal with it sort of. Not in the same way, I met my husband on a dating app, when I was 18, so it wasn’t like, I had known him previously.
His family poked fun at it. My parents (when my dad was still around) had no issues, my friends were a bit shocked I’d go for someone much older, joked he was a ‘nonce’. It was an accident though, I had my age set to 20 at the oldest, and he somehow slipped through!
Anyway, yes I’ve had friends mostly tell me all sorts. That he manipulated me when I was too young. That he was way too old for me, why would he be interested in someone so immature. Etc etc.
I ignored it then, I ignore it now. Whilst me and my husband haven’t had the perfect relationship, it’s far from the assumptions people love to make.