this message may be offensive
I don't remember how long I have been here since, I could find no clocks, no calendar, nothing. I also seem to be having problems remembering anything that has happened since I came here; all the events of these few days seem blurry except the loud screech I had heard, I guess yesterday; I'm not very sure.
Fuck that, I can't even remember my own name except that for some reason my brain keeps coming back to the syllable 'J' whenever I try to remember it.
I don't know what is going on; the very last memory that I can think was when I had woken up in one of the rooms of this very old house and the time I have decided to explore the place, I had wanted to go out but the door, The main door of this old rusted house seemed to be stronger than steel; and any attempts of breaking it won't work. I have tried to look for a key, but so far have been met with zero luck.
But I figured out that I need to find a way to remember things because I'm worried that if something important had happened in the past few days that I have simply forgotten, I have decided to write everything in this journal that I found when I have accidentally come across this room, which seems to be a study. For now, I will go and try looking for the key. Hopefully, I will find it tonight.
*This is Tragedy Of The Abyss*
I have been working on something for some time, what do you think of this blurb/trailer of sorts, will you give it a try (I am still working on the name I might change it later)