Story time!
So me, my mom, my older brother, and my two younger siblings (they’re twins so :p) we’re in a car trip back around 2021. (My dad worked/works out of town so he was never home, which is why he wasn’t with us.) We were headed from Albuquerque NM to Salt Lake City UT, which is about an 8 hour drive.
Bc of ✨favorite child privileges✨, and the fact that I’m highest on the sibling hierarchy (my older brother can’t beat me in a fight lol), I was in the front seat. The other three were in the back seats, doing whatever it was. I think they were on DVD players.
My younger brother gets easily carsick, and this trip was no exception. He asked mom to pull over, but mom was trapped infront and behind two semi trucks, so she said to just wait until we got to Moab (about halfway) and we’d deal with it then. However, apparently he did not agree.
He grabbed a plastic sac and started puking ALOT, and that made my mom start to gag, and we almost veered off the road, but that’s a different story. He ended up filling two bags and panicked, not knowing what to do with them, so he THREW THEM OUT THE WINDOW. I’m not kidding.
It host the windshield of the truck behind us, and to this day I cackle at that, bc he was being a jerk anyway. Well, word about that spread up the pipeline, and truckers ban together, so every semi on the highway tried running us off the road and honked at us.
So yes. Moral of the story, don’t let carsick people ride with you.