Two popular games. Undertale and Minecraft. I was thinking about them and I realized just how similar they are. I had a eureka moment and decided to share.
Below are 10 similarities in a list format:
1. Player-
Minecraft and Undertale both have a player. (Depending on your beliefs, you may also conclude that the player is possessing a character in the game. In this case, it would be Chara or Frisk for Undertale and Steve or Alex for Minecraft.)
2. Monsters-
Monsters are everywhere in Minecraft and Undertale, and are considered the main antagonists (for the player).
3. Health-
Hearts (Minecraft) and HP (Undertale) both show the player’s health and can be replenished.
4. Food-
Food in Undertale and Minecraft allows the player to heal and may leave other side-effects.
5. Worlds & Locations-
The locations or places in Undertale, such as Snowdin or Grillbys, are similar to the biomes in Minecraft. The different worlds in Minecraft, like the Overworld and Nether, correspond to the Surface and Underground in Undertale.
So there you have it; the proper proof that Undertale and Minecraft have a lot more in common than what meets the eye. I listed the first 5 reasons that came to mind, and I didn’t even use AUs of either game.
I only posted 5 reasons since I exceeded the maximum word length last time, but another 5 examples of proof should be out soon!
~ ❣️