
Sorry for the delay in updates last week. I’ll put out two new chapters of Six Nights In Paris to make up for it. Just had some personal stuff come up that was unavoidable. Im getting up bright and early to work on the next parts and will release them this week. 


Sorry for the delay in updates last week. I’ll put out two new chapters of Six Nights In Paris to make up for it. Just had some personal stuff come up that was unavoidable. Im getting up bright and early to work on the next parts and will release them this week. 


Is it wrong of me to plan for a time where I can just run away on a trip by myself, lock myself in a hotel room or an AirBnB and get back to my writing? 
          I miss my stories. 
          I miss writing The Assistant and I want to finish it and start on its sequel so badly that it hurts.
          I miss all the plans I had for each of these stories. 
          I miss all the stories I had inspiration come to me for and I was unable to explore further.
          Guys, I really miss my writing and I’m depressed because I never have time anymore. And the only reason I don’t have time anymore, is because the people in my personal life seem determined to take any free time I have. :( 
          So, asking for a friend — would I be wrong to drop everything and everyone, for a weekend or even just several days, and lock myself away so I can write again?


@LuminaryWonders thank you for reminding me that it’s always okay to establish firm boundaries. It may get hard at times reminding myself, but all of what you said was definitely what I needed to hear. 


@Bigsfiction2 thank you, Sam. I swear, you always just G E T these things. 
            I may go ahead and book myself a hotel for a few nights away from home in order to be left alone, relax, and write. Might even go hit up a spa while I’m at it too lol. God knows I need it. 


No you are not wrong to want time for yourself. It’s important and a necessity. You have the right to say no I can’t do this or that.  Take the time for yourself if you can. I have been where you are and it honestly helps.


Thanks to Coronavirus, and being in forced quarantine until April, this means updates are definitely getting finished -- and will be released soon. In fact, the first update goes up this weekend. Sit tight!


@Kelly_Trapp_2020 lol, thank you for the reply. How have you been? :) 


So... I’ve been getting into Marvel lately, and I maaayyyy be working on a Loki x Reader one-shot. ‍♀️
          But don’t fret, I’m still tinkering with The Assistant and Make It Count as well. 
          I’m happy that my schedule is winding down, which is giving me time to get back into my writing. Expect more to come in 2020. But for now, I plan to try to wrap up this Loki one-shot for you guys, before the new year. 
          Thanks for sticking with me, and for all of your patience! 


I’m almost positive that it was infact your book that I saw it in but, I was wondering if you were thinking about bringing back Wealth’s Downfall? I ended it on a cliffhanger and I always wanted to know what was gonna happen with that story. If not, I’m sorry for bothering you about it. 


Oh, that makes sense. Thank you so much, though. I really enjoyed it and I had never seen another scenario like it for Bill. 


@jakesgyllenhaals so unfortunately, Wealth’s Downfall wasn’t written by me. It was written by my friend who had the account “imagineyournotsolikelyfuture” and she has since deleted and left the fandom. I’ll send her an email, since I still have her email address, and see if she will ever come back — but as of right now, I don’t believe she will. She deleted and came back before, and was gone again after a month. I’m so sorry about that :( 


Heads up for my followers who haven’t seen yet: 
          Chapter 7 of The Assistant, has been posted and it’s a long chapter! If you sit through and read it, please kindly remember to leave a vote or a comment! 
          Consider 13k words, my apologies for making you wait lol.
          Also, The Assistant has been moved to a Mature rating — which means if you can’t see it, that’s probably why. 


If my laptop crashes on me, one more time...
          I’m gonna rage out and chuck it into the nearest dumpster and set the motherf*cker on fire. 
          Today’s post, is brought to you by: The fact that I just lost over two hours of edits and re-writes on the latest Assistant chapter — and my computer lost all of it. Therefore, I’m in a teeny-tiny bit of a rage right now lol. 


@Giulleone @Maransdans  you guys are totally right lol. I’m tired of these losses, simply because it’s a pain in the ass to recover the work. 


@ ImaginationLane That sucks! But I agree with maransdans you need to go to google docs asap! I am not a fan but I never lost a single thing is a huge pro. You can install in your phone too and have acess anytime your muse or time allows


I have a google docs thing all set up, but I never use it lol. I’m constantly writing my rough drafts on tumblr and saving them there. I’m not sure why I keep doing it, but I do lol. I know. I need to stop because this is why I keep having this problem 


Great news guys,
          The Assistant book trailer, done by the team behind The Black Ink Awards, and the interview — is all ready to view!
          Just click below, find the chapter labeled “The Assistant - ImaginationLane” and enjoy!
          Also, don’t forget: Live Q&A on Halloween night on my Tumblr blog! Have all your Assistant is questions at the ready, and there will be a couple of prizes too. 
          See you all soon! 
          — ImaginationLane xoxo


You guys, are truly the most amazing readers and people I’ve gotten to know over the past year!
          A big thank you is in order to so many of you, who have read, voted for and even pushed The Assistant to other readers. Your loyalty, is truly a wonder to behold!
          The Assistant has just taken home it’s third and FINAL award of the year — The Ultimate People’s Choice Award in The Black Ink Awards! 
          I cannot thank you all enough. 
          Please, join me on Tumblr on Halloween night for a LIVE Q&A session, and for some prizes; it’s my way of saying thank you and giving back to all of you who have continued to give me so much. 
          I’ll announce a time in the next couple of days for the Q&A session, so stay tuned. In the meantime, if you don’t have a Tumblr account you can create one absolutely free! Just go to Tumblr and sign up, then come and follow my blog which is ImaginationLane — and get ready for all sorts of fun on Halloween Night! 
          Thanks again lovelies!
          — ImaginationLane xoxo  


@ImaginationLane Omg I am so happy for you darling xoxo 


Hello lovelies,
          I just want to give you a heads up, that I’m working on an all-new original novel called “Underneath North Country Stars.” 
          The new novel will not be a fanfic of any kind, but this does not mean I’m stopping writing on any of my fanfics either. It just means when I’ve hit a block in the road on my fanfics, I’ll be writing on this piece and adding to it. 
          The first chapter will be coming in the following week or two, and this is a Wattpad exclusive story that I’ll be posting and sharing only on here! 
          In the meantime, I’m hard at work on Chapter 7 of The Assistant and Chapter 4 of A Night In...
          Thanks again, for all the support! If you have any questions, drop them in the comment section below.
          Take care <3


@ImaginationLane They most certainly have been! It's sounds like life got a firm hold of you and it happens to the best of us. Just means you were working hard, so everything you get is well deserved. It will pay off. It's good to hear that you're aware of what you can and can't handle regarding your job and are making the conscious decision of leaving. I'm proud of you!
            As for the updates, I simply filled my head with other stories, buried my nose in Stephen King's 'IT' that I finally got my hands on and then school came along and filled up more gaps. While yes, I was awaiting more chapters, I am patient. I know good things take time and was willing to wait. Don't ever worry about losing people because of lack of updates because frankly, they don't deserve the story. Those following to them, loyal and supportive are the deserving readers. The readers aren't the gift to you, your writing is the gift to us.
            Do what you can and I'm looking forward to the update. It was great hearing from you!!! ❤️


@PuddingAnyone thank you darling! Sorry, I didn’t get a chance to respond sooner, but I’m here now lol. I hope people are excited and still reading. The lack of feedback on the last chapter, made me wonder if the gap in updates has upset people or just turned them away from it altogether — which has had me worried for a little bit, because it’s not like I wanna make people wait forever and I do feel really bad about it. My job has absolutely taken over my life and refused to give me any space anymore, they basically expect me on call 24/7 — which is the biggest contributing factor to a lack of updates... So thank goodness I’m quitting them at the end of the month anyway lol. We shall see how this all goes. 
            Anywho, there’s your update and what the hold ups have been lol. I’m still writing on chapter 7 and quite frankly I’m wondering if I should just go ahead and write chapter 8 while I’m at it. 
            Thanks for checking in dear! I hope things are well with you! 


@ImaginationLane YES YOURE GOING TO UPDATE THE ASSISTANT SOON!!!!  I can't even tell you how excited I am for the update. If you are worried people lost interest, I can confirm you haven't because I remember every chapter. I will definately be on the look out for your new book as well as continuing my support on your previous stories, all paired with my hilarious comments for you to spit tea. Haha! ❤️