
Good Morning, Afternoon, and Night fellas!
          	I would like to give an update about status of the new books coming in 2025.
          	MHA: Next-Gen Vol.1: Rewritten for the most part as I try to stay true to the original source material, new Book Thumbnail would be worked on followed by new Character profiles. New chapters being worked on as well so stay tuned.
          	A Splat-2 Remember: Chapter 1 and 2 being worked on along with the thumbnail, expect it to be released earlier than previously mentioned, possibly around early to late Spring
          	(Possibly) A Splat-too Remember: The Series: If A Splat-2 Remember gets more popular than the first one, I'll continue to make more of it. Complete with a trilogy, and original plots than just a retelling of the original videos of "If Mario Was in Splatoon"
          	As much as I hate to say it, Mario in Cuphead's DLC has been shelved yet again, only time would tell if I'll ever return to it or straight up cancel it entirely. Take my words with a grain of salt.
          	Thats the newly updated status for the books I'll be working on in 2025. Remember please, keep on reading!


As a side note, Yes I have tweaked a little bit with A Splat-Too Remember in case if you were wondering


Good Morning, Afternoon, and Night fellas!
          I would like to give an update about status of the new books coming in 2025.
          MHA: Next-Gen Vol.1: Rewritten for the most part as I try to stay true to the original source material, new Book Thumbnail would be worked on followed by new Character profiles. New chapters being worked on as well so stay tuned.
          A Splat-2 Remember: Chapter 1 and 2 being worked on along with the thumbnail, expect it to be released earlier than previously mentioned, possibly around early to late Spring
          (Possibly) A Splat-too Remember: The Series: If A Splat-2 Remember gets more popular than the first one, I'll continue to make more of it. Complete with a trilogy, and original plots than just a retelling of the original videos of "If Mario Was in Splatoon"
          As much as I hate to say it, Mario in Cuphead's DLC has been shelved yet again, only time would tell if I'll ever return to it or straight up cancel it entirely. Take my words with a grain of salt.
          Thats the newly updated status for the books I'll be working on in 2025. Remember please, keep on reading!


As a side note, Yes I have tweaked a little bit with A Splat-Too Remember in case if you were wondering


Good night, afternoon, and morning fellas!
          I am here to talk about the status of the books I'll be working on for and before 2025!
          MHA: Next Generation Volume.1 (A Collab book): will be continued to be worked on as the new year approaches, featuring new chapters and character bios!
          Smg4 Stories: Mario in Cuphead's: DLC: Hopefully I could finish it before Christmas or before 2025 since the story has been stuck in chapter 2 for a year now 
          A Splat 2-Remember: A brand new, continuation of a Splat-Too Remember, coming soon in summer 2025! Like Splat-Too Remember, it will be focused on the Smg4 video, "If Mario was in Splatoon 2," however, being written under the freshest lenses of new life! 
          That's basically what I wanted to share now, remember, keep on reading!


Good night, Afternoon, and Morning fellas!
          I may have forgotten to announce it before, but we just got our first collaboration with AddyFilms on YouTube! We got the permission to adapt her web series, My Hero Academia: THE NEXT GENERATION! 
          The show follows the events of Addy, who'll become the next Number One Hero right after everyone's favorite green guy, Izuko Midoriya. She and her gang go on many misadventures from U.A to even other dimensions.
          It's going to be one heck of a journey to adapt a 2 going into 3 seasons of a show, but we will try to make it work!
          Also, I would like to announce that, Mario In: Cuphead's Delicious Last Course is back up and ready to be read, alongside with many more chapters coming before December. (Sorry Halloween fans)
          That is all from me now, remember, keep on reading!
          -Imagination Readith


Good afternoon, morning, and night maties!
          Just wanted to say sorry for the long waiting on the last 2 chapters of A Splat-Too Remember, I've been working very hard to make the finale an amazing one! I am unsure when is going to be posted but I can assure you all, it is my top priority to finish it! 
          That's all I wanted to say for now, keep on reading!
          -Imagination Readith


Good Night, Afternoon, and Morning maties!
          Since I am alive an about this time, my question to you is, what kind of stories would you like to see in the future? Of course I won't be doing them as of right now right now (Still working on some stories and other things) Think of it as throwing some topic ideas into the pit! 
          Well that's all for now, keep on reading!
          -Imagination Readith


Good afternoon, morning, and even good night my mates.
          So, I have vanished for who knows how long for the 5th time probably. And where was I? Life is too real, that is all you should now. In other words, sorry for disappearing again... and again, and maybe again. Now as for story news, not as much to expect, continuing writing if Mario Was in Cupheads DLC, however it will take longer for me to type stories as you guessed it, life n' stuff. 
          That pretty much wraps things up for me, I'll see you all real soon... or the next year lol.
          -Imagination Readith


Good afternoon, Good Morning, or even Good Night my mates,
          I am proud to announce, that another SMG4 Fan story is being made! Along with a few others coming along side it too. However this time instead of posting chapters individually, they'll be posted in a group of 3-2 chapters so you wouldn't have to wait randomly for a new single chapter to come out. That is all the news I would like to give, thank you all for your time!
          -Imagination Readith


Hello me mates, Imagination Readith here.
          It sure has been awhile hasn't it? The final chapter of The Return To Port Aurora is still on the works, but I have an update to say.
          I am going back to every single chapter of The Return To Port Aurora and tweak them to the max for its final finalization. Some parts of the book I would admit was rushed, and I would like to go back and fix, recon, and retell the stories.
          I hope you fellas would understand, and don't worry the final chapter is coming out real soon, maybe around late October or in the Middle of November!
          -Imagination Readith