Hello, hello!
RIN is back and I'm so excited! I have planned so much for this story and I really hope that you all will enjoy it as much as I do.
Thank you all for being patient, I have a lot going on in my life right now. Some good, some bad. But I really don't want life to get in the way of my writing anymore. I will work hard on this story.
Some other announcements I'd like to make:
1. I cannot promise that RIN will update on a normal occasion. College is always my priority, however, I will do my best to have at least one chapter up every two weeks. If this is not possible for some reason, I will notify you all.
2. You may see the other stories that are published on my page that are not yet started. These stories will be prequels to RIN and I will update them one at a time when RIN has been completed. Each story will be about the titled character's life before RIN takes place, and will be told from the character's perspective. RIN will be a very long story, so these stories will not be updated for a long time, but please look forward to them!
Additionally, I don't think I have a huge preference for which story is updated first. So I may let the readers vote for which story they would like to get first once RIN is completed.
3. Fan Art!! If you are enjoying RIN and want to submit fan art, let me know in a message! I would be more than happy to display your art in the banner of new chapters that I upload!
That's all for now. Thank you so much for all your support everyone!