
I updated 'Forgive Me'! It's a really exciting chapter and things are about to kick off in the next one so I'll try to upload that one as soon as I can! I hope you enjoy!:)


I just updated Forgive Me! I hope you like it and 'forgive me' for the long wait haha, I really am sorry, it's just been difficult to get right. If you like it then give it a vote and thanks for reading! I hope you had a good Christmas and New Year as well!!:)


Hello, sorry I haven't updated in ages, getting back into the flow of school and all that jazz! You may have noticed that I took down 'Forgive Me' that is because I had an idea for a different angle on the story, the story will still be similar to before so do not fret if you were enjoying it, but there will just be a new spin on it. Thank you :D


I just updated 'Dimensions' I hope you like the new poem, I know it's really short and a couple of the lines don't seem to flow but that's the idea. It's a broken kind of poem to reflect the broken idea behind it. Thanks <3


I just updated 'Dimensions'. I hope you like it and I wanted to say a massive THANK YOU to those of you who have read this book, it means a lot to me! Please let me know if you're having issues with 'Less normal' it'd be a great help and I hope you enjoy the new poem. Thanks <3