Hello wonderful readers and followers!
I have a question: does anybody else get anxious when their private reading list is a mess?
And what I mean is, your list is filled with books that you haven't completed but you haven't touched them is ages.
Well, I get so frustrated when I see all these books that I haven't finish by don't plan to finish any time soon. Like I'm someone who has a system in what I call "my library" at my house. (It's really this small shelf that I keep all my books in.) One shelf is for my completed books and the other shelf is for books I have not started yet. And honestly that's what I like about physical books, because I don't have that in between phase where I'm waiting for a book to be updated or where I just stop half way through the book. But don't get me wrong, I love wattpad and i love how portable it is, but I wish there was a system for my private reading lists.
Ugh! So if you might have been wondering why so many books were moved into different reading lists, that's why.
And fun fact: I just spent like 10+ minutes cleaning out my private reading list.
Is this excessive? Maybe, maybe not...
So I'm just gonna go... (yeah that's a good idea...)
-Immy Phantasie <3