
Greetings and Salutations world of watty!
          	First off, thank you to everyone that has fanned and commented lately and I am planning to update "Of Course..." very soon!  I'm working on the next part for you all and will probably post this week.  Thank you all for your continued enthusiasm and compliments and know that I appreciate it and am not ignoring you. ;)
          	Aurora and a certain prince will come skipping across the internet soon, pinkie promise.
          	Just That Randomly,
          	ImagineThat! :)


Greetings and Salutations world of watty!
          First off, thank you to everyone that has fanned and commented lately and I am planning to update "Of Course..." very soon!  I'm working on the next part for you all and will probably post this week.  Thank you all for your continued enthusiasm and compliments and know that I appreciate it and am not ignoring you. ;)
          Aurora and a certain prince will come skipping across the internet soon, pinkie promise.
          Just That Randomly,
          ImagineThat! :)


Wow.  Look at all the pretty fan icons!  I feel so special.  And bad for not being on here in forever but I'm hoping that since you're still here you're still interested in my random writing.
          I updated "Of Course I Would Be The One To Prank Call The Vampire Prince..." so I hope you guys enjoy that.  If anyone's still interested comment or whatever and I'll keep uploading--cause if no one's reading it I probab;y won't bother.
          I did finish a book recently and think I'm going to try to publish it (I know, really scary, right?) this coming year.  Don't know how that'll go but what the heck.  It'll be fascinating if nothing else.
          Thank you to everyone who has fanned and stuck around!
          Just That Randomly,
          ImagineThat :)


Greetings people of wattpad.
          (and especially to my fans!)
          First off, to the new fans, thanks so much for joining us!  We're quite random here but it's fun and it's cool.  It's like the new pink or something.
          Anywho those of you who are following Aurora's story go thank Wonder_Writer (whose stories are very awesome btw! (you need to read them!))  Like seriously, you should go thank her right now.  She has reminded/convinced me to update by plaguing me with formal complaints.  So that coupled with you guys requests has promoted an update for Aurora!  I have a few chapters written up and will post hopefully at least 1 today.
          Thanks for sticking by me!
          Your Random Wattpad-er,
          InagineThat ;)