
Sorry to those who were waiting for me to write and update , I was sick the past few days and I wasn’t really able to be online on wattpad much ,but I will try through the week to update


Hey Guys this is actually my new account where i am going to continue writing in , this one crashed Liv(Moon Moskowitz's Version) because of school account issues so i will be updating on the other account i will try to move my stories over to there so if you want further updates on the stories you can find it on here 
 Im so sorry for the inconvenience


This or That - IF anyone is up for it ( HP vs Maze Runner )
          Harry or Thomas 
          Crank or Death Eater
          Hermione or Brenda
          Gally's Drink or Butterbeer
          FLying or poking grievers with sticks
          dying or getting a second chance 
          glade or hogwarts
          professors or wicked
          school subjects or being subjects
          gally or draco malfoy


@mazewriterrr  :) I would pick the same to Vera


Ok, if anyone has any questions for me to add in my imagienthat would be great because my new imagine in Thomas Brodie Sangster and Newt / Maze Runner cast imagines , I am adding a personal slot where I , with Newt and THomas will be answering questions about me or life or whatever