
School is back in, now it's just me and the baby. 
          	I should have more time with my writing now, and hopefully more updates for you guys.


i hope that the question i am going to ask will be annoying - but, i was wondering if at some point you will be writing "The Cameron Brothers: Apocalypse"?
          i have just finished reading "The Cameron Brothers" for the second time in just a few months. i love it just as much as i did the first time and i would love to read more about Ash, Mike, Ryan, Tidus and all the rest.


@ImanPharaoh first - thank you very much for replying to me. i really appreciate it.
            i understand everything you have said here. i am in no way attempting to push you to write a sequel right now. i just wanted to know if there would be one in the future. 
            you do need to take care of your health first. that is a necessity. you also have, i'm presuming, a life outside of wattpad for which you have things to take care of.
            besides, i know, being friends with several writers, that, unless one gets a super inspiration combined with some awesome luck, it takes time to create written magic. i've always said that writing is not in any way an assembly line job.
            you will get to it when the time is right for you.


@enzorence  I'm only one person lol,


@enzorence To answer your question, there will be a second book, and maybe a third. Now, the question is when. I honestly , its a working progress.
            I'm trying not to have another breakdown/ shutdown that keeps me from from writing. I'm taking it slow, one day at a time.